Reading: 30 minutes
Math: No Math due to today’s test
Spelling: Complete the handout given to you this morning
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: No Math due to today’s test
Spelling: Complete the handout given to you this morning
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Review Practice Test for Monday’s Test
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Permission slips for the field trips if you haven’t already turned them in.
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Finish the practice test if you didn’t in class.
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: No Math due to the Mid Chapter Check
Spelling: Sentences 16-20 and study for test
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 13.2
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 13.1
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Spelling List:
1. unchanged
2. unnamed
3. restate
4. reverse
5. infrequent
6. invisible
7. prepaid
8. displease
9. action
10. establishment
11. oversized
12. prejudge
13. interstate
14. intersect
15. deflate
16. semiweekly
17. happily
18. kindness
19. finally
20. fearful
21. really
22. handful
23. happiness
24. transplant
25. superhuman
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 11.1
No Spelling
Social Studies: Study for test
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 10.8
Spelling: Use the first ten words in crossword or scrabble form.
For example: Write the word sunny horizontally – Then, using a different word with the same letter in it, write the word furry vertically.
Get a good night sleep and have a good breakfast to be ready for testing.
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 10.7
Spelling: ABC order
We will be taking the second portion of the State Test in English Language Arts on Thursday.
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 10.6
Spelling: write each word two times each
Spelling list:
1. wireless
2. sunny
3. furry
4. really
5. hairy
6. barely
7. tasteless
8. handful
9. lifeless
10. fi tness
11. hopefully
12. happiness
13. fullness
14. sorrowful
15. gently
16. sickness
17. joyfully
18. aimless
19. breathless
20. certainly
21. disappoint
22. nonfat
23. misnumber
24. superbly
25. successfully