
Reading: Anthology

Math: Practice your multiplication facts

Spelling: Handout

Vocabulary: Syllables


Spelling: twice, surface, spruce, spice, prance, office, notice, faucet, price, distance, device, chance, brace, advice, recess, existence, conceive, balance, slice, process


Vocabulary: controvercial, practitioners, asthma, skeptics, significant


******Friday, we will be having a gift exchange from 11:00 – 12:30. Any parents that would like to come help out and maybe bring a treat for the kids, you are more than welcome.


Reading: Social Studies Chapter 3 –  We will be having a test on Tuesday

Math: Correct test and get it signed in order for me to adjust your grade

Spelling: Practice test and study missed words

Vocabulary: Study the difinitions


Reading: 30 mins.

Math: Practice Test- Go over with parents

Spelling: Handout

Vocabulary: Syllables


***We will be having a chapter 4 Math test on Wednesday.

Spelling:badge, damage, garbage, image, manage, wedge, voyage, cottage, sausage, judge, fudge, cabbage, package, lodge, luggage, gorge, hedge, dodge, edge, bridge

Vocabulary:gorge, enchained, pitches, herb medicines, poultice, lulling


Reading: Read Science in order to correct the missed answers on the Science test. Correct test and get it signed in order for your score to be adjusted.

Math: 4.12

Spelling: ABC order

Vocabulary: Define words


Reading: Anthology “Sewed Up His Heart”

Math: Page 93 in HW practice book

Spelling: Handout

Vocabulary: ABC order


Many students have been asking about the Mission Report we will be doing.  We will be doing the actual report in class. If I need to, I may send some home for homework, but most will be done in class.  I do however offer extra credit if a student does an individual project at home. These can either be building a small mission with information about that mission, creating a poster board with interesting facts and pictures of the mission, or they can even make a brochure about the mission with interesting facts and pictures. They will be required to share their projects with the class. Also, they can choose any mission they want for the home project, they do not have to do the one I assigned to them in class.


Reading: 30 mins.

Math: HW book page 94

Spelling: 3 times each

Vocabulary: Syllables


Spelling:picnic, attack, bucket, check, frantic, heroic, lucky, nickel, picket, poetic, ticket, rocket, socket, plastic, attic, cart, condition, calm, tracks, sidewalks

Vocabulary: fatal, suture, colleagues, condemnation, anesthesia, incision