Reading: 30 minutes
No Math
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Writing: Finish the rough copy of you family tradition writing. You can also get ahead in typing after you or someone in your family edits it.
Reading: 30 minutes
No Math
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Writing: Finish the rough copy of you family tradition writing. You can also get ahead in typing after you or someone in your family edits it.
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: No Math due to the mid-chapter check
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Don’t forget to get a book for the book exchange. Please have it in class by Thursday.
Science: Study for Chapter 3 Test
Math: 6.5
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Don’t forget to get you book exchange by Thursday
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 6.3
Spelling: Sentences 16-20
Fill out the book exchange form if you wish to participate.
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 6.2
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 6.1
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Practice Facts
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Science: Finish Handout if you didn’t in class.
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: We will finish the practice test tomorrow and review what is difficult. We will take the Chapter 5 test on Monday.
Spelling: Sentences 16-20
Science: Finish Minerals worksheet if you didn’t in class.
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 5.6
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 5.5
Spelling: Sentences 6-10