
Hello Parents,

Since Monday is a half day and we are tracking off, I have told the kids to bring in a movie or a game that can be played by more than one person. No electronics because many times kids feel left out when there are electronic games. I have plenty of chess and checker boards for the kids but I would like a little more variety.

Have a great break,

Steve Deitsch

While we are off track, have your child use  Khan Academy, Ten Marks, or Lexia on the computer to keep their brains working.


Reading: 30 mins.

Math: 11.4

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Social Studies: Study for Ch. 7  Test tomorrow and do workbook pages 80-81

Spelling List: (rhyming words) snob, blob, club, grub, stub, sum, gum, hum, drum, plum, glum, snip, trip, chip, drip, fail, bail, hail, pail

Vocabulary List: colonists, civilizations, settlements, diverse, nomadic, indentured servants


Reading: Anthology (30 mins.)

Math: 11.3

Spelling: Sentences 16-20

Social Studies: Finish workbook if you didn’t in class.

Study vocabulary words

*****We will be finishing up Chapter 7 in Social Studies tomorrow. We will be taking the test on Tuesday of next week.


Reading: 30 mins

Math: Study for chapter 10 test

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Vocabulary: Syllables

Spelling List: reverse, review, report, repackage, powerful, nature, kindly, lately, loyally, gladly, skillful, barely, helpful, painful, furniture, texture, adventure, future, friendly, reward

Vocabulary: masterpiece, discouraged, exhausting, encounter, reasonable, digestion, enlightened