Off Track Homework

While we are off tract, the kids are required to do an animal report on the animal of their choosing. The requirements for the report are available on my blog. You can access the requirements by clicking on the tab under the picture.

The kids should type the report usingĀ  google classroom. I will have the instructions and due date there.


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: Study for Tomorrow’s Chapter 6 Test

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Spelling List:

1. tasted
2. ripping
3. forced
4. fl ipping
5. tapped
6. fl ipped
7. scared
8. fl agged
9. ripped
10. skipped
11. tapping
12. saved
13. skipping
14. scaring
15. fl agging
16. discussed
17. saving
18. tasting
19. forcing
20. discussing
21. bedspread
22. desktop
23. snowstorm
24. outwitted
25. underscoring


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: 6.5

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Spelling List:

1. fi shbowl
2. lookout
3. yardstick
4. desktop
5. campfi re
6. overhead
7. waterproof
8. grandparent
9. railroad
10. snowstorm
11. loudspeaker
12. bookcase
13. bedroom
14. blindfold
15. newborn
16. bedspread
17. yourself
18. overdo
19. clothesline
20. undertake
21. dresses
22. arrows
23. babies
24. eyesight
25. paperweight