Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Finish Review Test if you haven’t or study for Monday’s test.
Spelling: Sentences 16-20
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Finish Review Test if you haven’t or study for Monday’s test.
Spelling: Sentences 16-20
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Do the first page of the Chapter Review Test. We will do the rest tomorrow.
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Practice doing some long division using a single digit divisor.
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 4.11
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Social Studies: Finish workbook page 29 if you didn’t in class.
Spelling List:
1. fi shbowl
2. lookout
3. yardstick
4. desktop
5. campfi re
6. overhead
7. waterproof
8. grandparent
9. railroad
10. snowstorm
11. loudspeaker
12. bookcase
13. bedroom
14. blindfold
15. newborn
16. bedspread
17. yourself
18. overdo
19. clothesline
20. undertake
21. dresses
22. arrows
23. babies
24. eyesight
25. paperweight
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 4.9
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 4.8
Spelling: Sentences 1-10
Spelling List:
1. clams
2. mints
3. props
4. arches
5. dresses
6. parents
7. caves
8. glasses
9. hobbies
10. engines
11. couches
12. arrows
13. enemies
14. babies
15. ranches
16. patches
17. mistakes
18. supplies
19. mosses
20. armies
21. circus
22. germs
23. spice
24. batteries
25. compasses
Reading: 30 minutes
No Math tonight
Spelling: Sentences 16-20
Science: Study for the Chapter 2 Test tomorrow
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 4.7
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: No Math due to the mid chapter checkpoint
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 4.6
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Spelling List:
1. center
2. once
3. scene
4. spice
5. circus
6. cement
7. police
8. certain
9. ounce
10. glance
11. germs
12. bridge
13. badge
14. strange
15. orange
16. ginger
17. wedge
18. arrange
19. sponge
20. village
21. combs
22. kneel
23. wrench
24. general
25. ceremony