
Reading: 30 minutes

Math: 10.8

Spelling: Use the first ten words in crossword or scrabble form.

For example: Write the word sunny horizontally – Then, using a different word with the same letter in it, write the word furry vertically.

Get a good night sleep and have a good breakfast to be ready for testing.


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: 10.6

Spelling: write each word two times each

Spelling list:

1. wireless
2. sunny
3. furry
4. really
5. hairy
6. barely
7. tasteless
8. handful
9. lifeless
10. fi tness
11. hopefully
12. happiness
13. fullness
14. sorrowful
15. gently
16. sickness
17. joyfully
18. aimless
19. breathless
20. certainly
21. disappoint
22. nonfat
23. misnumber
24. superbly
25. successfully


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: 10.3

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Spelling List:

1. wireless
2. sunny
3. furry
4. really
5. hairy
6. barely
7. tasteless
8. handful
9. lifeless
10. fi tness
11. hopefully
12. happiness
13. fullness
14. sorrowful
15. gently
16. sickness
17. joyfully
18. aimless
19. breathless
20. certainly
21. disappoint
22. nonfat
23. misnumber
24. superbly
25. successfully


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: Study Chapter Review for Thursday’s Test

Spelling: Sentences 6-10

Spelling List:

1. discourage
2. disappoint
3. disbelief
4. distrust
5. disloyal
6. misplace
7. mislabel
8. mislead
9. misstep
10. misnumber
11. nonfat
12. nonfiction
13. nonsense
14. nonstop
15. unable
16. unplug
17. uncertain
18. uncomfortable
19. uncover
20. unclean
21. prince
22. weighed
23. bolder
24. mishap
25. unravel


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: 9.6

Spelling: Sentences 16-20

I have told the kids it is OK to dress comfortably and bring a pillow or blanket for the movie. I also told them it is OK to bring in an electronic device for the last half hour of the day. They must follow school rules though, and should not use their device anywhere but inside the classroom under my supervision.