
Reading: 30 minutes

Math: Finish practice test and study

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Spelling List: thirty, width, northern, fifth, choose, touch, chef, chance, pitcher, kitchen, sketched, ketchup, snatch, stretching, rush, whine, whirl, bring, graph, photo, unload, relearn, subway, expression, theater

Vocabulary List: attitude, familiar, commotion, cranky, selfish, frustrated, annoyed, specialty


Reading: 30 mins.

Math: 2.9

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Spelling List: unblock, unborn, unchained, unload, unlock, recall, relearn, resell, rewash, rewind, imperfect, indirect, incorrect, illegal, overreact, overheat, subway, premix, preplan, supersize, stone, blown, lower, interact, transmit

Vocabulary: attracted, greed, dazzling, requested, soared, fabric, trudged, honest


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: No Math due to the mid chapter quiz we took today.

Spelling: Sentences 15-20

Opinion/Argumentative Writing: Brainstorm ideas with your family on why you should or should not have to wear school uniforms.