
Reading: 30 minutes

Math: No Math due to beginning of the year Math Assessment

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Spelling List: Long a sound

1. major
2. clay
3. stray
4. today
5. bail
6. rail
7. drain
8. faint
9. claim
10. pale
11. face
12. graze
13. cane
14. slate
15. ache
16. steak
17. break
18. eight
19. they
20. obey
21. grim
22. plum
23. cash
24. neighbor
25. railway


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: 1.2 and practice multiplication facts. Don’t forget about Mr. Math Blog if you get stuck.

Spelling: Sentences 6-10- Make sure to circle the spelling word and underline the part of speech being used


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: Lesson 1.1

Spelling: Sentences 1-5 – Use the first five spelling words in five simple sentences. You should have the directions in your filer, but if you dont you can find them in the tab under the picture on my blog.

Spelling List:

1. fl at
2. cash
3. band
4. bell
5. left
6. shelf
7. wealth
8. grim
9. mill
10. hint
11. plot
12. dock
13. blot
14. odd
15. sum
16. plum
17. bluff
18. crunch
19. build
20. gym
21. snack
22. step
23. pond
24. heavy
25. shovel


Reading: 30 minutes

Math: Finish 11.3 if you didn’t in class.

Spelling: Use 10 spelling words in sentences

Spelling List:

1. orange

2. banana
3. grapefruit
4. pineapple
5. strawberry
6. apricot
7. lemon
8. quite
9. type
10. themselves
11. protection
12. reaction
13. compassion
14. adoption
15. corruption
16. illustrate
17. immature
18. gallon
19. pint
20. liter