Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 7.3
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Science: Study for Friday’s test
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 7.3
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Science: Study for Friday’s test
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 7.2
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Spelling List:
1. famous
2. radar
3. razor
4. vacancy
5. beside
6. beyond
7. defend
8. delay
9. demand
10. prevent
11. secret
12. veto
13. bison
14. diver
15. cider
16. silence
17. clover
18. spoken
19. stolen
20. tulip
21. swallow
22. plastic
23. rumbles
24. request
25. sequence
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Study for Chapter 6 test
Spelling: Sentences 16-20
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Review Test- Get at least the first two pages done. We will work on it tomorrow in class.
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Spelling List:
1. blanket
2. blossom
3. dipper
4. distant
5. foggy
6. fossil
7. member
8. nodded
9. planner
10. plastic
11. rumbles
12. slender
13. summer
14. swallow
15. tablet
16. thriller
17. traffic
18. welcome
19. willow
20. witness
21. talking
22. drawn
23. shawl
24. cupboard
25. friendly
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 6.6
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
If you plan to bring in Valentine treats, please be sure to include everyone. There are 26 students in the class.
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: Mid- Chapter Checkpoint
Spelling: Sentences 1-10
Spelling List:
1. caught
2. laws
3. drawn
4. strawberry
5. straw
6. awe
7. shawl
8. alter
9. halt
10. talking
11. walker
12. chalk
13. stalk
14. small
15. caller
16. squall
17. cough
18. fought
19. thought
20. false
21. south
22. pouch
23. annoy
24. wallpaper
25. awkward
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 6.3
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
I have updated the spelling list on Monday’s page.
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: 6.2
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Reading: 30 minutes
Math: 6.1
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Writing: (Optional) Work on your vacation writing
Spelling List:
1. noises
2. voices
3. rejoice
4. annoy
5. destroy
6. voyage
7. mound
8. south
9. pound
10. hound
11. pouch
12. thousand
13. wound
14. grouch
15. cowboy
16. gown
17. frown
18. howling
19. flower
20. tower
21. crook
22. zoom
23. group
24. drought
25. downtown