Reading: 30 mins.
Math: Extra Practice in the HW book
Spelling: Sentences 15-21
Study Vocabulary
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: Extra Practice in the HW book
Spelling: Sentences 15-21
Study Vocabulary
Reading: Anthology
Math: 5.6
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Vocabulary: study word meanings.
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: 5.5
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Vocabulary: Riddles
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: 5.4
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Vocabulary: Syllables
Spelling List: sixteen, chicken, elephant, island, gorilla, dolphin, machine, ticket, diet, puppet, banquet, blanket, gadget, musket, poet, squatter, strike, exclusion, watt, fluorescent, circuit
Vocabulary List: plague, infected, microbes, antibodies, bacteria, vaccine, epidemic, immune, sterilize
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: 5.3
Spelling: Sentences 15-21
Vocabulary: Study the meaning of the words
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: 5.1
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Vocabulary: Syllables
Spelling List:
1. building
2. spelling
3. class
4. fifty
5. nothing
6. revise
7. carefully
8. scientists
9. inside
10. wheels
11. leisure
12. seizure
13. pleasure
14. vulture
15. rupture
16. erratic
17. moraine
18. cirque
19. monolith
20. evaluate
21. solution
We will be taking the chapter 2 Science Test on Thursday.
Read: 30 mins.
No Math
Spelling: Sentences 16-21
Vocabulary: Study
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: Study for the chapter 4 test
Spelling: Sentences 11-15
Vocabulary: study word meanings
Reading: Anthology “Salt”
Math: Extra Practice in HW book
Spelling: Sentences 6-10
Vocabulary: Riddles
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: 4.12
Spelling: Sentences 1-5
Vocabulary: Syllables
***Math Test on Thursday!!!
Spelling List: fifteen, polite, peanut, soccer, backpack, decided, contain, course, surface, produce, stretcher, preacher, pressure, closure, treasure, pioneer, immigrate, migrate, algebraic, parentheses
Vocabulary List: uncharted, merchandise, port, native, procession Bonus: boast, madolin