Mission Project

Dear Parents and Guardians:

The following is a list of four projects, one of which your child will need to complete by Monday, December 8, 2014. Students will need time to go to the public library to find books that will help them with their projects. Internet research is allowed as well. Students must cite all their sources. I will also allow some class time to work on the project.


Portrayal of historic figure:

This project would include a 4-8 minute presentation before the class as a historical figure. The 4th grade student would research important information about their character such as what their role was in the development of Spanish California; why they are significant; a time frame of when they lived; what daily life was like for them (see rubric).

Students will be allowed to use note cards during their presentation, but will be asked to stay in character during their presentation.

Historic figures can include any major figures from the period studied that had an impact on the establishment of the California missions. However, students can also portray a fictitious Spanish girl or boy, or Native Californian and describe their daily life.


Write a narrative story or graphic book (comic book):

This project is a minimum two page narrative story New Times Roman 14pt font (1.5 spaced) ,or single spaced, handwritten, which has well developed characters (including historical figures); describes the setting; has a clear beginning, middle, and end; contains a conflict, problem, and solution. The story should discuss topics such as daily life from the perspective of the main character(s) so that the reader understands what life may have been like during this time period (see rubric). Students may include drawings or photos, but they would be in addition to the two page narrative. Students must also edit their own papers and turn in all drafts with the final draft.


Build a mission or galleon and write a report:

This project would include a physical representation of a specific mission or generic galleon created by the student.  Students need to identify and label different parts of the mission, ie; church, sleeping quarters, various workshops, stables, etc., as they existed when the mission was in operation. Galleons need to be labeled by sleeping quarters, storage, galley, etc. Mission/galleon boards are to be no larger than 20” x 30”

The mission report needs to be at least two pages in length, New Times Roman 14pt font (1.5 spaced) or single spaced, handwritten, and discuss the following: When the mission was founded and by whom; the building of the mission (who and what materials were used); what Native Californian tribes worked and lived at the mission; daily life at the mission; crops grown; interesting facts that are specific to their mission. Galleon reports must include purpose of the galleons, daily life/duties, difficulties faced by crew, routes, and main areas of a Spanish galleon. (See rubric)


Make a video of a visit to a California mission:

The student will take our class on a video tour of the mission of their choosing. During this 8 minute long tour, students will talk about important facts and details of the specific mission (see rubric). Students will have to research the mission before they visit and videotape.


Please make sure that students are summarizing information from resources; not copying. I’ve spoken with the class about the dangers of plagiarism. Please review the attached rubrics before starting the project and before turning it in on December 8th.


Mr. Deitsch




Narrative Story/ Comic Book Rubric



  • Story has a clear beginning, middle and end. (15 points)  ______
  • Story has characters, setting, problem, and solution.(15 points) ______
  • Names the mission (5 point) _______
  • Names the location of the mission (5 point) _______
  • Names the founder of the mission (5 point) _______
  • Has both Native American and Spanish characters (10 points) ______
  • Explains daily chores and activities of the chosen character (10 points) ______
  • Explains what the Spaniards were trying to teach the Native Americans (10 points) ______
  • Explains the feelings of the Native Americans (good or  bad) toward the Spanish (5 points) ______
  • Correct capitalization, usage of words (grammar), punctuation, and spelling (10 points) _______
  • Story is at least 2 pages long, and handwriting is neat. (10 points) ______


Total points out of 100 possible points: _______    Grade: _______



Mission/Report Rubric

  • Mission model is based on a specific California mission

10 points ______

  • Specific areas, such as storage room and sleeping quarters of the mission are correctly labeled based on

historical facts 15 points ______

  • Report is at least 2 pages in length and handwriting is neat

15 points _____

  • States who founded the mission and when

5 points  _____

  • Discusses the building of the mission (who, what materials

were used) 10 points _____

  • What Native Californian Indian tribe predominately lived at the mission 10 points _____
  • Describes an average day at the mission

10 points _____

  • Describes interesting facts that are unique to the mission

selected 10 points _____

  • Correct capitalization, usage (grammar), punctuation, and spelling 15 points _____


Total points out of 100 possible points: _____ Grade: ______


Spanish Galleon Model and Report Rubric

  • Model of Spanish galleon identifies and labels each part of the ship

(20 points) ______


  • Report takes reader on a tour of the ship, includes names of rooms, and their uses

(15 points) ______


  • Report should be at least 2 pages in length in neat handwriting. Cursive is preferred.

(10 points) ______


  • Fully describes daily life on the galleon for the conquistadors.

(25 points) ______


  • Discusses what goods were traded and with whom.

(15 points) ______


  • Report shows correct capitalization, usage (grammar), punctuation, and spelling (CUPS)

(15 points) ______


Total points out of 100 possible points: ______ Grade: _____


Video Presentation Rubric

  • Video is taken at and about a specific mission.

10 points ______


  • Video takes us on a guided tour of the mission and shows the different areas, such as church, storage room and sleeping quarters.

15 points ______


  • Video is at least 8 minutes in length.

15 points _____


  • Video states who founded the mission and when.

5 points _____


  • Discusses the building of the mission (who, what materials

were used)

15 points _____


  • What Native Californian Indian tribe predominately lived at the mission

10 points _____


  • Describes an average day at the mission.

15 points _____


  • Describes interesting facts that are unique to the mission


15 points _____


Total points out of 100 possible points: _____ Grade: ______


Portrayal of Historic Figure


  • Student’s portrayal is at least 5 minutes in length

15 points _____

  • Student stays in character throughout the presentation

15 points _____

  • Student discusses his or her historical importance to the development of the Spanish missions in Alta California.

15 points _____

  • Students able to tell what year their character lived. If the portrayal is of an “average” citizen, dates would be made up based on historical facts, ie; when mission where they lived was established, etc.

5 points _____

  • Describes interesting facts and details about their character

10 points _____

  • Describes what an average day was like

15 points _____

  • Dresses in costume

10 points _____

  • Students are able to answer basic questions about their character

15 points _____


Total points out of 100 possible points: _____ Grade: _____




During Thanksgiving Break


Due to the fact that there were many distractions on our last day of school, I have decided to let the kids finish their Science tests at home. They are to return the test on the Monday that we come back.


In addition, I am going to have the kids do a mission project. They will have at least a week after break to finish them up, but they should do as much as possible during the break. I will include the directions and the grading rubric in the tap at the top of the page. Please e-mail me if you have any questions.


Reading: 30 mins. (Anthology)

Math: 5.5

Spelling: Sentences 6-10

Vocabulary: Sentences


I sent a form home last night to let you know we will be having a Muticultural Feast on Friday. If you have not recieved the form, please let me know so I can send you another one. It will be very helpful to me to have an idea of the different dishes coming in order to have a variety of food for the kids to try. Please return the forms to me by tomorrow, or Thursday at the very latest.

Thank you!!!!


Reading: 30 mins.

Math: 5.4

Spelling: Sentences 1-5

Vocabulary: Syllables


Spelling List: giraffe, generous, genuine, gentleman, genius, general, cymbal, citizen, cinnamon, certain, center, cement, genie, citrus, germs, generation, cancer, magical, circulate


Vocabulary List: plague, infected, microbes, antibodies, bacteria, vaccine, epidemic, immune, disinfected, sterilize


Reading: 30 mins.

Math: 5.1

Spelling: Sentences 1-10

Vocabulary: Syllables


Spelling List: horrible, tower, plow, joint, poison, outside, destroy, birth, urgent, thirst, serve, library, narrate, nightmare, prepare, harvest, shower, pearl, bound, customer

Vocabulary: provide, imagining, vanished, admire, milkmaid