Reading: 30mins.
Math: Review and practice multiplication facts
Spelling: Practice test and study missed words
Vocabulary: Study definitions
Reading: 30mins.
Math: Review and practice multiplication facts
Spelling: Practice test and study missed words
Vocabulary: Study definitions
Reading: Anthology
Math: 6.6
Spelling: Handout
Vocabulary: Define
Reading: Study Social Studies – Ch.4/Lessons 1-3. Test tomorrow
If you didn’t finish math in class, complete for homework.
Spelling: ABC order
Vocabulary: Sentences
Reading: 30 mins.
Math: Practice multiplication
Spelling: 3 times each
Vocabulary: Syllables
Social Studies: If you didn’t finish the workbook in class, finish for homework. ******We will be having a Social Studies test on Wednesday on Chapter 4- Mexican Rule in California
Spelling:(compound words)- goldfish, fireplace, brainstorm, earthquake, lifeguard, footprint, grapevine, headache, bathroom, pigpen, sometimes, spotlight, waterfall, newspaper, billboard, outfit, handshake, moonlight, lifetime, understand
Vocabulary: expedition, arctic, glaciers, constellation, insulation Bonus: caribou, blubber, crimson, peculiar, crevasses