Reading: 30 mins. and finish study guide.
Math: Practice Test
Spelling: Three Times Each
Vocabulary: Syllables
Reading: 30 mins. and finish study guide.
Math: Practice Test
Spelling: Three Times Each
Vocabulary: Syllables
Read: 30 mins
Math: Big Book Ch. 6 Practice Test
Spelling: Take a practice test and study the words you missed.
Vocabulary: Sentences
Read: “Sewed Up His Heart” Study Guide
Math: H 6-11
Spelling: ABC order
We will be doing a Christmas project that will require some pictures of your child and family(young and old) that you will not need back. We will be cutting these pictures, so if you don’t want to lose them, don’t allow your child to bring them to school. These pictures need to be 3″ by 3″ at least, or they won’t work for our project. If you do not have pictures it is OK. I will have your child do the project with decorative paper. They turn out the best if they have pictures though.
Thank you!
Spelling : picnic, attack, bucket, check, frantic, heroic, lucky, nickel, picket, poetic, ticket, rocket, socket, plastic, attic, cart, condition, calm, tracks, sidewalks
Vocabulary: fatal, suture, colleagues, condemnation, anesthesia, incision
Read: 30 mins.
Math: H 6-10
Spelling: 3 times each
Vocabulary: Syllables