Blogging Buddies: Video Games

Video games are important. One reason is they can teach you new things. For example, Terraria can teach you that when you mix sand with fire you get glass. In some video games, it makes you think harder. Using your brain to create is good because you can learn how to make real life things. Another reason is that you can use your imagination. As in Lego City, you can create trains, hotels, or houses. This is why video games should be our homework. These are some of the reasons why video games are educational. What video games do you play? What kind of video game system do you use, X-Box, Play Station, iPad, iPhone, Wii U, or Wii?

3rd Grade: Frank, Kris, Vincent
2nd Grade: James, Yaseen, Aidan, Oscar, Sufian

Blogging Buddies: Rainbow Loom

We like Rainbow Loom and this is why. First, we like Rainbow Loom because you can make bracelets and charms. We also like Rainbow Loom because you can make different designs. The last example is that we learn new skills. The kinds of skills we are learning are how to place and loop to make new designs. In conclusion, Rainbow Loom is a fun activity for adults and kids alike. We asked our classmates about their favorite bracelet designs. Here are the results:

Starburst 10          Ladder 1
Taffy Twist 1         Links and Knots 2
Fishtail 1                Truffela Twins 2
Sailor’s Pinstripe 3
Have you tried to make a Rainbow Loom bracelet? Rainbow Loom is fun and we know you will like it.

3rd Grade: Natalia, William
2nd Grade: Alisha, Meher, Samantha

Blogging Buddies: Minecraft

Minecraft is the best game ever!  In Minecraft you can go on adventures.  For example, you can make a portal and go the nether or the end.  Another thing you can do in Minecraft is tame cats and dogs.  You can tame an animal with a bone and raw fish.  You can also go fishing but first you have to craft a fishing rod and a boat.  Minecraft is a good game because you can learn about animals.  This is why Minecraft should be our homework.  What would you do if you were new at playing Minecraft?

3rd Grade: Paul, Ryan, Thomas, Lucas
2nd Grade: Justin, Charles, Taison, Jayden J

Westward Ho!

Wagon_trainWe will be a launching our study of the Pioneers and the Westward Movement next week.  I always have a grand time teaching this unit.  It is a remarkable period of our nation’s history.

As a special introduction to this unit, I scheduled another video conference about the Gold Rush and Pioneers. I have been assured that the video connection problems have been resolved so I am game to try it again.  Keep your fingers crossed for June 4th!

Mrs. P

Blogging with Our Buddies

We have buddied up with Mrs. Ghilain’s third grade class  for some collaborative work. Each small group has discussed the benefits of a favorite activity.  Their assignment is to write a persuasive comment about it and convince our readers about the useful skills learned from each activity.   We invite you to read our comments and respond .

Mrs. P.

Something’s Fishy

fish-161031_640Well, we really tried to follow through with our video conference with Ranger Ryan today.  However, every event has its glitches and this was no exception.  We just couldn’t get our equipment to communicate with Ranger Ryan.  We tried for over an hour and finally gave up.  Even our technology experts couldn’t make it work. The good news is that we have rescheduled our meeting for May 20th.  We also know more about what we need to do next time. Everyday is a learning experience so, we will be very well prepared by then.

Mrs. P.

Our Next Video Conference

Salmon I have scheduled a video conference through the California State Parks Dept.  We will be speaking with Ranger Ryan on Wednesday afternoon while he is in the Del Norte Coast State Park near Crescent City.  We will be learning about the life cycle and habitat of salmon and the importance of our natural resources.  We are preparing thoughtful questions and hope to make this an engaging learning time. One thing I find  pleasantly surprising is that this virtual field trip is totally free to our students.

Mrs. P 😀

P.S. I have another video conference scheduled for June, but I’ll tell you more about that one later.

Dinosaurs and Fossils

We have been learning about dinosaurs and fossils.  One fact is some dinosaurs walk on 4 feet and 2 feet, like the maiasaura.  We enjoyed researching dinosaurs and studying them.  Another fact is fossils can be found in mud, sand, and ice.  Minerals seep in to make the bones turn into stone.  We made Sponge Bob turn into Fossil Bob.  It was fun to make a fake fossil.  Have you studied dinosaurs and fossils?

Malia, Aidan, Justin, and Cailie