Busy Week Ahead

bee (1)

We have two special events tomorrow. Uncle Jer will be here to share some knowledge about bees.  We sent home a note last Friday asking for a 50 cent donation in order to purchase the activity book that supports the presentation.  I realize that wasn’t much notice, so just send it in any time this week.




salmon (1)The other event is our rescheduled video conference with Ranger Ryan about salmon.  So it looks like we will be immersed in the animal world tomorrow.  I know we’ll learn a lot and have some fun doing it.




bookstackOur PTA has named this Wednesday as our annual Read-A-Thon.  We will set aside some special time to just read, read, read.  Students were given a pledge envelope two weeks ago to gather sponsorship of our reading efforts.  Thank you to those families who have already turned it in.  This money will be used towards purchasing new technology and other supplies.  Be sure to bring a book or two that you LOVE and plan to have another adventure. 😀



Blogging with Our Buddies

We have buddied up with Mrs. Ghilain’s third grade class  for some collaborative work. Each small group has discussed the benefits of a favorite activity.  Their assignment is to write a persuasive comment about it and convince our readers about the useful skills learned from each activity.   We invite you to read our comments and respond .

Mrs. P.

Something’s Fishy

fish-161031_640Well, we really tried to follow through with our video conference with Ranger Ryan today.  However, every event has its glitches and this was no exception.  We just couldn’t get our equipment to communicate with Ranger Ryan.  We tried for over an hour and finally gave up.  Even our technology experts couldn’t make it work. The good news is that we have rescheduled our meeting for May 20th.  We also know more about what we need to do next time. Everyday is a learning experience so, we will be very well prepared by then.

Mrs. P.

Spring Fling

The Carroll Annual Spring Fling is the place to be on Friday May 16th.  There will be plenty of fun, food, and games from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Our class is participating in making a raffle basket with a barbecue theme.  A list of suggested donations was sent home last Friday.  I hope you will consider making a contribution.  The proceeds from the raffle support a great deal of enriching activities for the whole school year.  Besides, it’s just so much fun to dream of winning one of those creative baskets full of goodies.

Mrs. P

SRC Progress

As a class, we have earned 1, 135 points on Scholastic Reading Counts comprehension quizzes.    It seems especially impressive when you consider that we have read over 1,181,000 words to earn those points.  Not too shabby, but I know we can do better.  So keep up with your nightly reading and help us hit 1,500 points.  I wonder how many words that will add to our word count?  Make an estimate of what the new total word count could be and leave it as part of your comment.

Mrs. P 😀

Our Next Video Conference

Salmon I have scheduled a video conference through the California State Parks Dept.  We will be speaking with Ranger Ryan on Wednesday afternoon while he is in the Del Norte Coast State Park near Crescent City.  We will be learning about the life cycle and habitat of salmon and the importance of our natural resources.  We are preparing thoughtful questions and hope to make this an engaging learning time. One thing I find  pleasantly surprising is that this virtual field trip is totally free to our students.

Mrs. P 😀

P.S. I have another video conference scheduled for June, but I’ll tell you more about that one later.

Only Eight Weeks Left!

Oh my goodness!  We checked the calendar today and realized that we only have eight more weeks of second grade.  So we looked at our progress notes and each student wrote a goal they hope to achieve.  As you look over their progress note and goal,  I hope you take a few minutes and help your child list actions that will lead them to their goal.  For example, many students set a goal to reach 100 points in Scholastic Reading Counts.  In order to succeed, they will need to be reading extensively outside of class and discussing the characters and events of each story with someone at home before taking a quiz at school. They will also have to be diligent in using their time wisely at school so they can frequently use the classroom computer to take quizzes. You can also arrange time to take quizzes right after school in our classroom or in the computer lab.

Mrs. P