Giant Pumpkin Fest

download (1)If you are looking for something fun to do this weekend, head on over to Elk Grove Park for the Giant Pumpkin Festival this Saturday and Sunday between 10 AM and 5 PM. The Pumpkin Regatta is my favorite event. Of course, the giant pumpkins are very impressive and you can even get some of their seeds to grown your own humongous gourd. Be sure and stop by the Elk Grove teachers’ booth for some free games to play. You might even see me there!

Here’s the link for more information:
Mrs. P 😀

The Week Ahead:

Library books are due on Monday.
We are going to Fog Willow Farm on Tuesday.
The Jog-A-Thon is on Wednesday. Wear tennis shoes for running! Please send in your pledges this week. The money will be used to purchase new PE equipment. FYI: Our turn to run will take place between 9:30 AM- 10:00 AM. Parent helpers are needed.
Homework and Folders are due on Thursday.
Minimum Day is on Friday. (All Kindergartners come for the morning session. Our schedule does not change.) We will spend part of the day with our 4th/5th grade buddies working on a special project.

We needed the rain, but…

We were all sooo ready to head to the pumpkin patch, but the rain came down, down, down. We have rescheduled the trip for Tuesday, September 30th. I expect some chaperones will not be able to take an additional day off, but maybe some others will become available. Please let me know if you are one who will accompany us on Tuesday.

A huge THANK YOU is going out to all those parents who stuck around and helped with picture day. As far as I could tell, everyone brought their best smile this morning.

Mrs. P 😀

Help Wanted

42VolunteersNeeded_jpgLooking for some ways to help in class or at home? Read on!

The take-home work is on the counter next to the door. Just pick up a project and bring it back in a day or so. A sample or directions will be included.

In class help has many options. For example:
Mondays- collect library books from students
Daily- put notices in student cubbies
Weekly- lead a small group activity; sharpen pencils
Monthly- check in student homework; prep new homework packets
Occasionally- assist with special art, science, or technology projects; be a guest reader (or listener)

Here are some in-class projects that I have planned:

O.R.E.O cookie project- we’ll be stacking, measuring, and graphing Oreo cookies in a nationwide project.
Symbolic Monarch Migration- we’ll be decorating paper butterflies and sending them to children in Mexico as we learn about migration.
Tulip Garden- we’ll be planting tulip bulbs and comparing our observations with other classes around the world through Journey North.

Donations needed: Oreos (4 packages); tulip bulbs (24 or more); potting soil and a barrel.

There are many more projects in the works, including Twitter and Skpe; but I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself. Let’s just say that you will be amazed and eager to join us.

Pumpkins and Pictures

zucca_architetto_frances_01On Thursday the 25th we will be taking our first field trip. We are heading to the pumpkin patch at Fog Willow Farm in Wilton. The bus will be leaving at 8:30 AM and we plan to return at 11:00 AM. The cost is $10 per student and $4 per chaperone. Chaperones will need to drive in their own vehicles since the bus will be full of students.

A few students have not yet turned in permission forms. I will not be able to accept them after Tuesday, the 23rd. If your child will not be attending, just let me know.

You may have noticed that Picture Day is also on the 25th. So, I have arranged for our class to be first in line for photos. If you would like your child to change from “picture” clothes to “field trip” clothes, please let me know and send them in a clearly labeled bag. I will do my best to make sure clothing changes take place. If you are able to stay and assist, I would be very thankful.

Mrs. P

Spring Fling

The Carroll Annual Spring Fling is the place to be on Friday May 16th.  There will be plenty of fun, food, and games from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Our class is participating in making a raffle basket with a barbecue theme.  A list of suggested donations was sent home last Friday.  I hope you will consider making a contribution.  The proceeds from the raffle support a great deal of enriching activities for the whole school year.  Besides, it’s just so much fun to dream of winning one of those creative baskets full of goodies.

Mrs. P

Only Eight Weeks Left!

Oh my goodness!  We checked the calendar today and realized that we only have eight more weeks of second grade.  So we looked at our progress notes and each student wrote a goal they hope to achieve.  As you look over their progress note and goal,  I hope you take a few minutes and help your child list actions that will lead them to their goal.  For example, many students set a goal to reach 100 points in Scholastic Reading Counts.  In order to succeed, they will need to be reading extensively outside of class and discussing the characters and events of each story with someone at home before taking a quiz at school. They will also have to be diligent in using their time wisely at school so they can frequently use the classroom computer to take quizzes. You can also arrange time to take quizzes right after school in our classroom or in the computer lab.

Mrs. P

Special Events!

I know we just got back, but the Book Fair is ending tomorrow.  (Info was sent home before we tracked off.) Students may purchase items during our scheduled time (10 AM tomorrow) or after school.

Spring Fling Mixer  is on May 16th from 4 PM to 8 PM   Three flyers went home today asking for:  donations to our Barbecue theme basket for the raffle; volunteers to help during the event; and ticket order form.