ARTSbeat Expo in March

Speaking of art, I just learned about The Arts Advocacy Project (TAAP).

TAAP is a task force of leaders from our community who recognize the cultural, educational and economic benefits of the arts. Musical and dramatic stage performances, dance, music concerts, art shows, literary arts, arts appreciation and teaching sessions, interactive workshops, demos and more will be featured in the month-long ARTSbeat Expo. I hope to see you at one of these events.

Click here to view the flyer.

Click here to view a busy calendar of art related experiences to showcase of the best of Elk Grove arts and creative industries.

Did You Know?

Art in public spaces makes our community a more beautiful place to live. You may have noticed a few pieces around town, but do you know how to find more?

The Committee for the Arts created a virtual Citywide Art Guide for the benefit of residents and visitors that includes a comprehensive inventory of art pieces and art events in Elk Grove.
> Click here to access an interactive map.

I know I feel happier when I see beautiful artwork around me. I bet you may have the same experience. I hope you can get your family out and about to share the happiness.

Thought for the day: Those who appreciate the effort and beauty of creating something, are much less likely to destroy it.

Awesome Art Opportunity!

Crocker Art Museum Offering FREE Art Packs

The Crocker Art Museum is pleased to announce its new collection of Art Packs, now available for children to reserve and check out through the Sacramento Public Library system. This is a great activity for kids to engage in an art experience that will foster visual literacy, as well as social and emotional development. I want to encourage families and caregivers to check out a free Art Pack at, just like you would reserve and check out a book. Bring the Art Pack or the library checkout receipt to the Crocker for FREE admission.

> Click here to learn more

Happy Mother’s Day

tissue-paper-candle-holder-a-gift-kids-can-make-slideshowmainimageSending best wishes to all the mothers of my adorable students. The students were very purposeful as they decorated the jars and created their flowers for you. The jar can be a vase, a candle holder, or just a lovely container for any items of your choosing. My daughter made one for me many years ago and I still use it to hold coins on my dresser. Every time I look at it, I remember her joyful smile and hearty giggles when she was just a little munchkin. It is my hope that this jar will spark such memories for you in the future.

We Need Empty Jars

Maries Hello TK Families,
I have a special project idea for us to try and every child needs to bring a clean, empty jar. I would prefer jars from Marie’s Salad Dressings. A one-pint mason jar will also work. Please tape your child’s name to the bottom of the jar. Send it to school by Friday, April 29th.

Art Showcase Success!

paint-pallet-788947_960_720Oh my goodness! The first Carroll Elementary Art Showcase was a stunning event. The MP room was transformed into a very special art gallery. There were watercolors, finger-painting, mixed media, charcoal drawings, tissue-paper collages, wire sculpture and yarn sculpture. Over 1,100 pieces of art were displayed. Ms. Haley Hauder, Mr. Hauder’s daughter, was able to design, organize, and provide age-appropriate art lessons to every student in our school with remarkable results. Special thanks go to the group of teachers that set-up the exhibition because that was quite an undertaking in itself. Thanks also to the Student Leadership Team that provided refreshments for visitors for such a low cost.
You can see a few photos of the event in our Twitter feed. Eventually, I will add them to our Shutterfly account.

Migrating Monarchs

We have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and the amazing migration of monarch butterflies.  The monarch butterflies travel from all over North America to spend the winter in a very small area of Mexico.  Read about it on

Our buddy class (Mrs. Washington’s Third Graders) have helped us participate in the Symbolic Migration.  We are sending a cluster of decorated butterflies and friendly notes to school children in Mexico as a tokens of goodwill between our two countries.  We are ambassadors and building understanding between people of other nations.  We are also citizen scientists sharing observations of our environment as we post on You, too, can follow the migration of the butterflies or post your nature observations on the website via their app on your smartphone.

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Budding Artists

We are continuing to experiment with collage using a variety of materials.  The students are beginning to plan their designs and expand their ability to concentrate on the creative process.  They are learning how to use familiar materials in new ways.  I love providing collage options for the students because the process requires deep thinking and problem solving and the results are always interesting conversation pieces.

We had the recent opportunity for an art lesson from a real artist, Miss Haley Hauder. (Yes, our principal, Mr. Hauder, is her dad!)  The students were attentive to her directions and worked with care to create a realistic fox. I must say the little creatures are quite adorable.  You will be able to see them on display next month in our very first school-wide art show.  More details will be coming soon.

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Thank You!

Last Friday was made extra special when Mr. Gonzalez (Samiyah’s Dad) spent the morning with us. Everyone in our class had an absolutely wonderful opportunity for easel painting because of his willingness to get a bit messy with us. The paintings are hanging on the wall for all to enjoy. Painting at the easel is much more than a chance to smear some colors around. There are many important developmental skills at work for young learners. We would dearly LOVE to do it again, but who will volunteer to help? Please respond!easel