Our First Full Week

It’s been a lovely first week of school. The students are adjusting very well to our routine and expectations. There are many, many smiling faces from beginning of class to the end. It fills my heart to have a room full of happy children who are excited about learning.

Here are a few reminders:
*Sign up for Seesaw. I use Seesaw to communicate with parents and document student progress. It’s easy and so efficient! You can download the Seesaw Family app and scan the code I sent home. Then you will be connected to your child’s digital portfolio. It will give an experience you will treasure forever. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can still log on from any device and have full access.

*Correct and return the student information forms.
*Sign and return the permission forms for Digital Literacy, Internet Use, Library Policy.
*Send a change of clothes for your child in a one-gallon ziplock bag.
*Set up your Shutterfly account to stay up-to-date with class events, access photos, sign up to volunteer. Check your email for an email from me with the link.
*Sign up for a parent-teacher conference through our Shutterfly Site.
*Sign up to volunteer through our Shutterfly Site. Your support for our TK students will make a huge difference all year long.

Let the School Year Begin!

Dear TK Families,
I am excited to welcome you to our new school year. I hope you can all make it on July 12th from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. It is an opportunity for you and your child to visit our room and become acquainted with our school and your new classmates.

Our first regular day of school is on Thursday, July 13th when class begins at 7:45 AM and dismisses at 11:16 AM. We’re going to have a great time together!
Mrs. P

Setting Limits Workshop

Discipline is the bit by bit, time-consuming task of teaching a child the sense of acting a certain way.

A friend of mine shared that definition 30 years ago and it is still true. Teaching kids the better way to behave can be exhausting and tough! Ever feel like you are the one being grounded? Are you tired of sounding like a broken record? Ever wish you had a few more strategies for discipling your children? Ever wonder why your method doesn’t seem to be working? There’s got to be a better way!

Don’t give up yet, there’s a workshop for you!
Setting Limits
Wednesday, June 7th
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
School District Office Room 117
Call to register: 916-681-7581

Even if child-rearing has been a breeze so far, there will be bumps to overcome. All children will eventually want to see how far they can push a parent. This workshop will help you get ready. It’s the best approach I have ever used. You’ll be glad you looked into it!

Other resources: settinglimits.com

Water Play Day!

Plan to get wet on Water Play Day!
When: Monday, May 22nd
Noon – 2:00 PM
Who: D-track K/TK
Where: Our playground

Bring a backpack with: towel, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, water bottle, and water shoes (i.e. safe shoes that can get we!) NO FLIP FLOPS WITHOUT A HEEL STRAP!
Label your items!

Wear your swimsuit UNDER your clothes. (No “undies” needed. They’ll just get wet or lost.)

Optional: Bring a snack to share. Finger-foods only. No nut products or hard-boiled eggs.

Helpers needed for set-up, supervision, and clean-up. Email me if you are available.

Open House and Summer Social

Friday, May 19th
Open House – 4:00pm – 5:00pm

The Summer Social and Family Movie Night 5pm – 10pm.

5pm – 730pm : Food Trucks, Raffle Basket ticket sales, 1st Grade Performance, Buy One Get One Scholastic Book Fair

7:30pm – 8pm: Raffle, Food Trucks pack up, End of Book Fair

8pm – 10pm: Free family movie on the field on a huge outdoor screen, Free Popcorn, Free S’Mores and Beverages for purchase.

Important Dates

Tuesday March 28th Picture Day
Thursday March 30th Walking trip to see Cinderella
NOTE ============> class time is: 8:00 AM – 11:31 AM
Students will be dismissed when we return. Please make arrangements to pick your child up at 11:31 AM.

Wednesday April 5th Minimum Day 7:45 AM – 11:16 AM
Wednesday April 26th Minimum Day 7:45 AM – 11:16 AM


Our Read-a-thon is Monday, March 13th. Students may wear pajamas and bring a small blanket. I hope they will also bring a favorite book to share. Our goal is to garner a class total of 100 minutes enjoying great stories. I think we can do that and more! We LOVE reading in TK!

Please make a pledge at pledgestar.com/carroll/elkgrove by Friday (March 17th). Send friends and families a link to this post and ask them to pledge, too. Our PTA has wonderful plans to use the funds to benefit our entire school. We all would appreciate your support.

Mrs. P

PS: You can also end in a labeled pledge envelope, if you prefer.

See You Soon!

Dear TK Families,

We have just one more weekend of vacation. I hope you have had a wonderful time while we’ve been off-track. I was very busy packing up my house and getting ready to move. Don’t worry! I am not going far; I will still be your child’s teacher. I did get to visit my three grandkids in Atlanta, but that was anything but restful!

Please go to our Shutterfly site (click on “Volunteer” tab above) and update when you will be able to help in class. Your participation is essential to making our TK experience the best it can be. (And I am sincerely appreciative!)

Since our classmate Emily is spending an extended time in China, we get to welcome a new friend on Monday. His name is Ameer and he is five years old just like the rest of the class. I’m sure he is excited to meet us, too.

I am looking forward to hugging all my munchkins on Monday. We have many more learning adventures to explore together!

Mrs. P

Important Requests

Dear TK Families,

Welcome back to school! I am excited to start our second trimester, how about you?

I have a couple of important requests. First, I have been unable to come up with coat racks for our class so I am solving the storage problem in a different way:

From now on, please do NOT send a backpack with your child. Just send a labeled snack bag daily. For occasional toileting accidents, send a change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag which will stay at school.

Also, our class is in need of additional volunteers. We have been so fortunate to have Miss Starla (Jalisia’s mom) as a daily helper for the entire first trimester. Unfortunately, she was injured in a fall and will be unable to participate for several weeks. Please check your schedule and let me know when you can volunteer. Click on the Volunteer link above to add yourself our Weekly Helpers or Special Guest Helper lists on Shutterfly. The most important times that need coverage are 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM.

Don’t Forget!
Fog Willow Farm Field Trip
Monday, October 31st

Class Time: 10:15 AM – 1:46 PM
Bring a sack lunch with drink. Labeled!
NO backpacks needed
Dress for the weather
Bus Departs: 10:45 AM
Bus Returns: 1:45 PM
Chaperones must carpool are drive on their own

Mrs. P