Color Weeks!

We are celebrating colors beginning Monday, July 25th. Everyday for two weeks, we will do some fun projects to become experts on each color.
Look at the schedule below and try and dress in the color of the day. Even socks or a stripe of that color will do. Please don’t go out and spend money on clothing for this unit. If you don’t find a particular color in your child’s closet, no worries! We will still have fun.
If you would like to provide a color related snack for the class, sign up on the Shutterfly list.

Monday 7/25: Red Day
Tuesday 7/26: Orange Day
Wednesday 7/27: Yellow Day
Thursday 7/28: Green Day
Friday 7/29: Blue Day
Monday 8/1: Purple/Pink Day
Tuesday 8/2: Black Day
Wednesday 8/3: Brown Day
Thursday 8/4: White Day
8/5: Red-White-Blue Day
Please note: Friday 8/5 is Olympic Day and
Class time is 7:45 AM – 11:16 AM

By the Way…

Thank you so much for adjusting your child’s snack to leave out peanuts and peanut butter. I know the families of our affected classmates appreciate your efforts.

Blue Communication Folders are due every Wednesday. So that means you need to get those papers signed and back in the folder. Then put the folder in the backpack tonight so they don’t get left at home tomorrow.

If you haven’t signed up for Seesaw yet, check your email for the link or ask me for the QR code page. You won’t want to miss out. Don’t take my word for it, ask the other parents how much they love it.

Weekly Wrap Up

It may have been a short week, but everyone is a bit worn out from all the excitement. We are already making friends and figuring out how to work together in this new environment. The children are learning how to follow the rules and make their wants and needs known politely. I am impressed with their care and concern for others. They are quick to share a hug and an encouraging word when they noticed a classmate who was missing Mommy. As we lined up to go home today, my heart grew with admiration when a student suggested, “I think he should line up first because he is the most worried about seeing him mom.” The world needs more compassion and wisdom like that! I count it a privilege to spend time with your precious children.

FYI: Communication Folders went home today. Please complete the forms contained inside and return them in the folder by Wednesday.
New pictures were just posted on Seesaw and Shutterfly. Be sure to register for both! The QR code to link to your child’s Seesaw journal is in your child’s folder, if you didn’t pick it up yesterday.

A HUGE thank you goes to Jalisia’s mom, Athena’s mom, and Adam’s sister for spending time with us to make our transition to school smoother for everyone.

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. P 😀

Happy New Year!

celebrateOur new school year starts this week and I am EXCITED to meet my new students and their families. We are going to have so much fun as we build new friendships and explore new ways of learning. We will be publishing books, broadcasting news reports, creating and constructing our brain power in ways you never expected. Be sure to check here often for evidence of our awesome adventures!

Big things are coming our way!
