February Events

calendarThis is a busy month.  Be sure to mark these events on your calendar.

Library books are due on WEDNESDAYS this month.

Feb 9th   No school in honor of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday
Feb 13th   Last day to donate to Pennies for Patients
Feb 13th  Class Valentine Party (Parent Valentine due)
Feb 16th  No school in honor of George Washington’s birthday
Feb 25th  Our 100th Day of School Celebration
Feb 26th  Picture Day
Feb 26th  Parent University at Carroll  6 PM – 7 PM
Feb 27th  Walking trip to Franklin HS for “Peter Pan” theater production

Building Memories

I have been collecting student work all year long to put into a very special Kindergarten Memory Book as a keepsake for you and your child.  It’s time to start putting these items into a binder, but I need your help in two ways.  First, please donate $7.00 so I can purchase the materials that are needed to create these books.  Also, let me know if you are willing to assist in actually filling the books for our class.

Antarctica, Here We Come!

downloadI have registered our class for a very special event on Wednesday, January 21st.  We will be participating in a video conference from 10 – 11 AM with scientists in ANTARCTICA!  Time For Kids has arranged for many, many classrooms to get connected via the internet to hear directly from those men and women who are way down under studying penguins.  I have some penguin-related activities planned for the week, so I think we are in for a treat all week long.

Learning to Code

IMG_5350On Saturday I attended a workshop on how to teach computer science to elementary students.  I have to say it was probably the best training I have EVER had.  Really.  Mike Gargiulo, computer teacher at Elliott Ranch Elementary, took us through a day full of hands-on learning with code.org.  I am very excited to get this curriculum started with my students in class.  The best part is students can work on these puzzles on ANY device and it’s FREE.  Just bookmark the link that I will email you and have your child click on their name and their secret picture to get started.  If you are not sure why this is a good idea,  just poke around the code.org website a little while and you will soon have plenty information to support this endeavor.  I’ll share more as soon as we get started in class. 😀


Important Dates

calendarLibrary books are due on Mondays
January Homework Folders with completed packets are due by Thursday, January 29th.
Friday, January 30th is a Minimum Day.  All Kindergartners will attend the morning session.
Our next field trip will be Friday, February 27th.  We will walk to Franklin HS to see their Children’s Theater production of Peter Pan.  There is limited space so only 4 chaperones may attend.  Please contact me ASAP if you would like to attend. The cost is $5 per ticket.  Chaperones need to pay the fee also.

Mark Your Calendar!

crab (1)The Carroll Crab Feed is coming January 30th!  And we need your help to make it a grand success.  Please consider the following:

Volunteer to set up, serve or clean up
Ask a local business to donate an item or coupon
Donate a special desert for the auction
Buy a ticket and come enjoy the event (I have 2 seats open at my table. Send me an email if you are interested.)

For more info, stop by the office or contact Pegah Mazloom, your PTA President at: pegahmzl@hotmail.com 707-365-0495

Storybook Character Day

download (3)Friday November 21st is your chance to dress up like a storybook character and wear the costume to school.  Be sure to bring the book with you so we can enjoy the whole storybook experience.  We will also compare what makes a character real or make-believe.  I do believe a parade route is being planned as well.  It will be a special way to spend our last day on track together.

Important Dates and Events

calendarTuesday 11/4:  ELECTION DAY!  Be sure to vote.  It’s important.

Every Wednesday:  WALK TO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY.  If you walk or ride a bike/scooter to school get a handstamp from a student helper.  The class with the most walkers gets a treat!

Thursday 11/6:  PICTURE RE-TAKES.  You must let me know if you want your child to retake their photograph.

Every Friday: SPIRIT RALLY!  Wear your Carroll Shirts or plain navy blue.  The class with the most students showing their school spirit gets a prize! You can get an order form in the office if you want to get a shirt or jacket.

Until 11/14 – KIDSCAN!  We are collecting donations of non-perishable food and canned goods.  For a complete list of items go to KCRA.com/kidscan.  Donations will go to The Elk Grove Food Bank to help local families in need.  We will be counting the cans we collect.  Do you think we can make it to 100?

Until 11/18 -BUTTER BRAIDS  FUNDRAISER for technology improvements and classroom supplies.

Thursday 11/20 – PTA Meeting

Friday 11/21 – Dinner Night Out at Chuck E. Cheese

Friday 11/21 – MINIMUM DAY (All kindergartners come in the morning. No backpacks, please)

11/24/14 to 1/2/15 –  No School for B-Track. We will be OFF-TRACK.

1/5/15 – Students return to school