Awesome Art Opportunity!

Crocker Art Museum Offering FREE Art Packs

The Crocker Art Museum is pleased to announce its new collection of Art Packs, now available for children to reserve and check out through the Sacramento Public Library system. This is a great activity for kids to engage in an art experience that will foster visual literacy, as well as social and emotional development. I want to encourage families and caregivers to check out a free Art Pack at, just like you would reserve and check out a book. Bring the Art Pack or the library checkout receipt to the Crocker for FREE admission.

> Click here to learn more

Library Time

Tuesday was our first day of Library. Every student picked out a book from our school library. We will have library time each Tuesday until we track off on August 6th. Please read with your child and ask them questions about what happens in the story. Also ask them “Concepts of Print” questions such as:
• Show me the front cover of the book.
• Show me the back cover of the book.
• What do you call the name of the story? (Title)
• Point to the title of the book.
• What does the author do? (Writes the story)
• What does the illustrator do?
(Draws the pictures for the story)
• Show me where to start reading.
• Count the words in one sentence.
• Point to a period. Ask, “What is this called?”
• Point to a question mark. Ask, “What is this called?
It is important to keep the books clean and dry. I recommend keeping the book in a large Zip-loc bag so the book stays separated from any liquids or snacks in backpacks. Library books are due back at school every Monday for the Librarian (Miss June) to check in before our next trip. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Mrs. Petuya

Reading Counts!

SRCThe following is an incomplete list of book titles that we discovered at storyline that have a Reading Counts quiz.  Students can read these books on their own or listen to them on and then take the quiz here at school.  It has been a challenge to find a way to get everyone some computer time to take the quizzes.  So it is no problem to stay after school in our class or the computer lab to take a quiz.  Just let me know and plan to stay with your student.  It only takes a few minutes to do a quiz.

A Bad Case of Stripes           Harry the Dirty Dog          Rainbow Fish          I Need My Monster          Guji Guji          Brave Irene          Sophie’s Masterpiece          Library Lion          Stellaluna          Chester’s Way          Sebastian’s Roller Skates          White Socks Only          Enemy Pie          Somebody Likes You, Mr. Hatch          The Night I Followed the Dog          Knots on a Counting Rope          Thank You, Mr. Falker

Yesterday our class had 1,286 points.  Today we have 1, 361 points.  How many points did we earn during our computer lab time?  Figure it out and bring your answer to school tomorrow.  There will be a small prize for every student that gets it correct.  No help allowed, please!

Mrs. P.