Open House Recap

VTDear Families,

Thank you so much for spending last Thursday evening in our classroom. It is my favorite day of the year because families come together to encourage all our young learners. I focused on connecting you to our online work because it is so precious to capture the essence of childhood through their voices and thoughts about their experiences. Childhood goes by in a flash, but with forever access online you can always return to these moments and hear the joy and wonder in their voices. Don’t forget to leave your own comments so your child can reminisce with fondness as they listen to your voice many years from now.

I will be sending an email with the links to our VoiceThreads so those who did not attend can have access as well.

Mrs. P

VoiceThread Now Open!

Almost all of you are now connected on your child’s Seesaw portfolio. I hope you find it as informative and delightful as I do. We have been busy bees in class lately. Be sure to check out our latest videos on our class blog (

I would also like to invite you to view our first voicethread of the year. Follow this link and you will find an online example of our work that you can see and hear. VoiceThread is similar to Seesaw in that I can post student work and you can view it and make positive comments. VoiceThread is different in that you are able to see the work of the entire class. I encourage you to sign up for a free account at so you will be allowed to leave comments for multiple students and encourage our class.

Celebrate Your Progress

Dear Families,

It has been my utmost pleasure chatting with you at our conferences about your precious children.  I treasure each and every one of my students.  They make me smile and laugh out loud daily with their cleverness, profound observations and kind hearts.  I have the best job there is!

Report cards for the second trimester went home with the students today.  I hope you enjoy some time reflecting on the progress your child has made so far.  We have covered a lot of ground.  There is reason to celebrate. Visit our VoiceThreads and leave a message of encouragement for your child.  It’s a great motivator to know that others are taking notice of our hard work.

The rest of the year will seem to go by in a flash.  Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!

Mrs. Petuya 😀

Check Out Our Newest Work!

Be sure to click on the tab marked “Our Online Work”.  We have completed two projects on VoiceThread.  I think you’ll really like them.  Please leave a comment about our efforts.  It is a great motivator to know that others are listening to us.  If you have not set up a VoiceThread account, you will have to do that before you can leave a comment.  It should be a very simple process.  Let me know if you need some guidance.

Our First VoiceThread

pumpkin 005Thanks to Aleena’s mom, we have completed our first VoiceThread.  Click here to locate “Life Cycle of a Pumpkin”.  Then you can listen to us tell some facts that we learned about pumpkins.  We hope to share our growing knowledge in this way more often.  Please leave us some comments.  It will help inspire us to keep studying.