In case you weren’t sure, homework pages and folder are due on Thursday, February 26th.
Category Archives: Calendar
February Events
This is a busy month. Be sure to mark these events on your calendar.
Library books are due on WEDNESDAYS this month.
Feb 9th No school in honor of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday
Feb 13th Last day to donate to Pennies for Patients
Feb 13th Class Valentine Party (Parent Valentine due)
Feb 16th No school in honor of George Washington’s birthday
Feb 25th Our 100th Day of School Celebration
Feb 26th Picture Day
Feb 26th Parent University at Carroll 6 PM – 7 PM
Feb 27th Walking trip to Franklin HS for “Peter Pan” theater production
Homework is Due THURSDAY!
Here’s a friendly reminder that homework packets and folders are due by Thursday.
Dinner Night Out
Our PTA is sponsoring a Dinner Night Out (DNO) at Rubio’s on Thursday, January 22nd. It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider stopping by for a meal or a snack. Twenty percent of all sales will be donated to our school. Be sure to tell the cashier to include your total in the count for Carroll.
Antarctica, Here We Come!
I have registered our class for a very special event on Wednesday, January 21st. We will be participating in a video conference from 10 – 11 AM with scientists in ANTARCTICA! Time For Kids has arranged for many, many classrooms to get connected via the internet to hear directly from those men and women who are way down under studying penguins. I have some penguin-related activities planned for the week, so I think we are in for a treat all week long.
Important Dates
Library books are due on Mondays
January Homework Folders with completed packets are due by Thursday, January 29th.
Friday, January 30th is a Minimum Day. All Kindergartners will attend the morning session.
Our next field trip will be Friday, February 27th. We will walk to Franklin HS to see their Children’s Theater production of Peter Pan. There is limited space so only 4 chaperones may attend. Please contact me ASAP if you would like to attend. The cost is $5 per ticket. Chaperones need to pay the fee also.
Mark Your Calendar!
The Carroll Crab Feed is coming January 30th! And we need your help to make it a grand success. Please consider the following:
Volunteer to set up, serve or clean up
Ask a local business to donate an item or coupon
Donate a special desert for the auction
Buy a ticket and come enjoy the event (I have 2 seats open at my table. Send me an email if you are interested.)
For more info, stop by the office or contact Pegah Mazloom, your PTA President at: 707-365-0495
Library Books Due Monday!
Don’t forget to bring your library books on Monday!
Did You Know…?
Did you know that Kindergarten starts at 7:45 AM? Many students are arriving late and missing out on our Morning Journal experience. I know the parking lot is a busy place, but I hate to have students miss out on any activity. Our dismissal time comes quickly and it is very difficult to redo missed assignments. Please make adjustments to your morning routine so your child can benefit from our entire school day. Thank you so much for partnering with me to make this a wonderful year.
Mrs. P
Dates to Remember
October 23rd Picture Retakes
October 24th Minimum Day (All Kindergarten classes come early. No backpacks, please)
October 24th Carroll’s Fall Festival 5PM – 7PM
October 30th Monthly Homework is Due