Script/Storyboard/Movie: Avina’s Second Movie

Script originally submitted 12/19/09 “Hey chicken come here !’ said Rachel. ” Who you calling a chicken !” said Avina. “I’m calling you a chicken!” said Rachel. “Are you trying to say you want to battle me !” said Avina.… Continue Reading


Script/Storyboard/Movie: Gabby’s Second Movie

“Hey Sarina,” said Gabby. “What?” replied Sarina. “Do you want to race me?” asked Gabby. “Sure, but I warn you if you race me I’ll win,” bragged Sarina. “That’s it, your on!” yelled Gabby. “Hey Diana, Do you want to… Continue Reading


Script/Storyboard/Movie: Emily’s Second

Script/Storyboard originally submitted 01/09/10 “Hi,Emily,”said Araceli. “Hi,Araceli,”I said. “So, want to play connect four?”aksed Araceli. “Sure,”I said. “Let`s get started,”said Araceli. (So Araceli went to get the game.) “Hmm…..,”I said. “What?”asked Araceli. “I`m thinking,’I said. “Oh,”said Araceli. (So we kept… Continue Reading


Script/Storyboard/Movie: Araceli’s Connect 4 Champion

”Araceli putting a coin in the slot.” ”Mr. alfonso putting coin into slot.” ”For a long time.” ”Hmmmmm.” said Araceli.” ”Araceli putting coin into slot.” “YES! I beat Mr. Alfonso!” cried Araceli.” “Noooooooo!” yelled Mr. Alfonso. “Great job Araceli.” “Thanks.”… Continue Reading