Reading: Read out loud 15 min. daily
Spelling: work online at 10 min. daily; Use “Getting Started” list
Math: work online at 10 min. daily; User name: your student’s ID number; Password: school
Social Studies: “Me Bag” project: Put 3 favorite items in a bag or small box; decorate the outside; be ready to share with the class.
Special Request: Choose a favorite preschool storybook to share. Practice reading it outloud so you can read it to the class.
Dear Mrs.Petuya,
I don’t know why I cannot login to I tried so many times. Could you help me?
Thank You,
Because you are new to our district it is taking some extra time to get you into the system. Please be patient. I will get you added to my class as soon as your info is processed and available. I was told that it should be fine in another day or so. I will keep checking on it.
Mrs. Petuya
You should be able to log on to and work on the assignments now. Please let me know if there is still a problem.
Mrs. Petuya
We can log-in now.Thank you for replying.We really appreciate it.