Let the School Year Begin!

Dear TK Families,
I am excited to welcome you to our new school year. I hope you can all make it on July 12th from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. It is an opportunity for you and your child to visit our room and become acquainted with our school and your new classmates.

Our first regular day of school is on Thursday, July 13th when class begins at 7:45 AM and dismisses at 11:16 AM. We’re going to have a great time together!
Mrs. P

Happy New Year!

celebrateOur new school year starts this week and I am EXCITED to meet my new students and their families. We are going to have so much fun as we build new friendships and explore new ways of learning. We will be publishing books, broadcasting news reports, creating and constructing our brain power in ways you never expected. Be sure to check here often for evidence of our awesome adventures!

Big things are coming our way!


Welcome to a New School Year!

Hello New Friends,
Welcome to my blog page. I am so glad you are here to join me in my new adventure teaching Transitional Kindergarten. There are many important items to cover at the start of each school year, but let me begin with the most important ones: I love teaching and I am immensely happy that you are here. We are going to have a fun year learning together.

This blog is the center of my communication about classroom happenings. Please subscribe so you will be automatically notified of new posts. Just click on the “Subscribe” button in the left hand column.

I have many things to do to be ready for school this week, so I had better get busy. See you soon!

Mrs. Petuya 😀