Adios, mi amigos!

Dear TK Families,

What a year it has been! It has been my great joy to have been your child’s TK teacher. How lucky I am to have this job! I get to introduce young children to the school environment and ignite a spark to their imagination and joy of discovery every day. Thank you for that privilege.

I am deeply humbled by your generous support of my efforts to integrate technology in meaningful ways for the students. I have placed an order for a set of iPad 4s and I will be ordering a couple more Ozobots soon because of your donations. You folks ROCK!

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind and I haven’t been able to finish posting some student work. I will get to it later this month. (After I get back from my cruise to Alaska!)

Did you know that you can actually download a .zip archive of your child’s Seesaw journal. It will include all the photos, video, and audio from your child’s journal. It is a wonderful way to keep a virtual scrapbook of your child’s TK year.

Follow this link to the directions: and download by August 1st so you don’t lose access to those precious memories.

With joy and gratitude,
Mrs. P

PS: If you have enjoyed the experience with Seesaw, please encourage all of your child’s teachers to contact me to learn how to get it started.

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