We certainly had some fun this past week. On Tuesday, we cut open our large pumpkin and looked inside at all those seeds. Everyone had a chance to take some out and count the seeds. Then we filled the pumpkin with dirt, gave it some water and set it outside to see what will happen. What will you do with the seeds you took home?
On Thursday, we met with our Big Buddies from Mrs. Goodwin’s class to decorate our large butterflies that we are sending to Mexico. We are taking part in the Symbolic Migration of Monarch Butterflies. We are learning about how the real monarchs move south for the winter through Journey North, an online collaboration of citizen scientists around the world. Our Big Buddies helped us write friendship messages in Spanish! We included them with our butterflies that were sent to school children who live the forests where the monarchs spend the winter in Mexico. We will track the migration online and in the spring we will receive symbolic monarchs to represent the return of the butterflies to the north.
On Friday, we completed a delicious math and science experiment with Oreos! We needed to find out how many Oreos we each could stack before they fell over. Our Big Buddies guided us as we made predictions, stacked and counted. Then we got a short nutrition lesson and we each enjoyed a full serving of cookies and milk. Next week, we will post our information online and compare our results with many other classes around the country.
Isn’t Kindergarten a great place to learn? I think so!
Mrs. P 🙂