In social studies, we are learning about families now and in the past. Students came home on Friday with directions and lined paper for our latest project. Each student is to choose a significant event for each year of their life. They are to write a short descriptive statement and include an illustration or photo of each event. Please decorate the cover page and mount each of the event pages on colored construction paper. At school we will put our pages together for a spectacular timeline display. This project is due on Oct 18th. Early submissions are welcome!
Don’t be late because a follow-up project will due by Nov 1st. That one will involve interviewing a grandparent or other “senior” member of the family, and creating a family tree. I love history and look forward to hearing yours!
Mrs. Petuya
Mrs. Petuya,
I can’t find the timeline project paper. Can I please get another one.
The project pages were stapled to the homework packet. I will put together another set and send them home tomorrow anyway.