Homework Clarification

Several parents have had the same question so here is the quickest way to give an answer.

Your child will not need to print anything from the online homework.  I can monitor their progress from my teacher account. Working online with math and spelling  for 10 minutes or so daily will give them a good amount of practice with the skills we are learning in class. The assignments I have set up are geared to keep students busy through all of Chapter 1.  Don’t be concerned about finishing everything. If you have clicked “Done” and want to revisit those assignments, just look in the “Old Assignments” folder and keep working from there. As a bonus, my students will be getting some valuable keyboarding practice. 😀

Mrs. Petuya

Homework for 7/22-7/26

Reading:  Read out loud 15 min. daily
Spelling:   work online at spellingcity.com/carroll2ndgrade 10 min. daily; Use “Getting Started” list
Math: work online at thinkcentral.com 10 min. daily; User name: your student’s ID number; Password: school
Social Studies:  “Me Bag” project: Put 3 favorite items in a bag or small box; decorate the outside; be ready to share with the class.
Special Request: Choose a favorite preschool storybook to share. Practice reading it outloud so you can read it to the class.

Getting Started

It was a short week to start the new school year with, but it was certainly full of activities. I hope the information I provided at Back to School night was helpful and clear.  Please do not hesitate to contact me when you have questions. Together we will make it a great year. I appreciate your enthusiastic support of your second grader.  I am looking forward to working with you all. 

Stay cool this weekend!

Mrs. Petuya

Student Supply List

Here a few items that every student should have:

Backpack brought daily

Items to Use at School:

Spiral Notebook (1 per trimester)
Extra Pencils
2-pocket folder

Items to Use at Home:
Ruler: inch and centimeter
Analog clocks (clocks with faces)
Elementary Student Dictionary
Elementary Student Thesaurus
Lined writing paper
Pencils and cushy pencil grips
Glue sticks