Script/Storyboard/Movie: Araceli’s Connect 4 Champion

”Araceli putting a coin in the slot.” ”Mr. alfonso putting coin into slot.” ”For a long time.” ”Hmmmmm.” said Araceli.” ”Araceli putting coin into slot.” “YES! I beat Mr. Alfonso!” cried Araceli.” “Noooooooo!” yelled Mr. Alfonso. “Great job Araceli.” “Thanks.”… Continue Reading


Script/Storyboard/Movie: Christina’s Katherine’s Win

That morning was the most memorable day of my life! I challenged a person to Connect 4. Foolishly, I made the worst decision of my life. Let’s play Connect 4 Kathryn!”said Christina. Kathryn replies,”It’s on!” “Okay!”answered Christina,”Let’s start right now.”… Continue Reading