

  1. I didn’t like the way I walked in because it was a lazy walk in. I liked the music at the end and it was smooth.

  2. I liked how you shot the movie. Benjaman needed to show more examples of how the eraser works.

  3. Great expression I liked how Sarina said “Does it come it come in packages?” Well edited ,I liked the shots. You could have told us why we should buy it.

  4. It was well edited, exept in one part I can barly hear you. It was still well written. 🙂

  5. It was funny about the smile and the stuff she said.

    What you need to do is add a close up and the shots .

  6. I think Javonte could have talked a little bit louder on some scenes. I did like the rest. Why is Diana in a shot.

  7. They used some great expression. In a scene the director’s assistant was walking out.

  8. It was great but, Sarina saya that does it goes in a pack. But in the last scene it was only one.

  9. When Javonta was talking I couldn’t hear him. So Benjamin make sure the next time Javonta is in your movie, he need to talk loud. Your movie is good.

    • Javonte was having a really hard time remembering his lines. So we had Sarina hold the script for him and it was hard to see.

  10. It was great but, Sarina says that, does it goes in a pack. But in the last scene it was only one.

  11. Your director’s assistant was showing in several shots. Good expression and great music at the end I like it.

  12. It was very funny Ben you did a good job on editting. But Javoat need a litte bit of heelp on his lines.

  13. I saw some very enthusiastic acting! I agree with the people who said that it was hard to hear one of the students. I liked the music you chose too.

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