Intro. + Second + Third + FINAL Paragraphs
We’re adding to “The Hook” using more figurative language.
We’re adding to “The Hook” using more figurative language.
Lately, all our videos were playing back very slowly or choppy. I couldn’t tolerate it. This is a blog where you watch and enjoy movies. If the playback is terrible, your experience is fully affected. Would you tolerate that if… Continue Reading
In an article in TIME Magazine, Kaiser Permanente conducted a survey of 8 to 18 year olds. In their research, they found: Kids spend 52.5 hours on some form of multimedia (TV, video games, texting, etc.). That’s 7.5 hours a… Continue Reading
The students give introductory paragraphs a try after our whole class effort. We might discuss who will storyboard our movie, who will direct and assist. Exciting!
…paid off. We took a look at sample paragraphs written by 5th graders. We examined one sample that had received a 4 in Ideas/Content, a 4 in Organization, and a 4 in Conventions. As a class, we found examples of… Continue Reading
Thank you parents, For visiting our blog and commenting on your child’s hard work. The encouragement is well received! Thank your parents (Yes, I’m talking to you, my students), For providing a home, the clothes you wear, the several meals… Continue Reading
… to focus on writing. It’s pretty clear. They can make movies. The big question is: Is their writing improving? I think it’s part of the balance and the challenge of EETT grant. There are some finished movies to upload.… Continue Reading