

  1.      At my house, my dog was protecting us by barking, biting, and growling at strangers. Playing with my dog was fun because we played fetch with each other. Watching my dog do tricks was funny because sometimes when she does a trick she messes up and falls down. I think that dogs are better than cats because they protect us, they are playful, and they are funny.

  2.     To not wash or brush my pet cat gives me more time to do something else. Silently, cats can’t disturb you or your neighbor on something. Knowing that my cat can poop and pee in one place is better than picking it up all over the place.Cats make better pets than dogs because they can groom themselves, they are silent, and are already train to poop and pee in one place

  3. I will like to get a dog i will play with it take him where he what to go he will lay on the grass and tell him go to his house.

  4. Luckily my dog is easy to train because when i tell her something she will listen to me or my family that she knows.protecting us is a big is a big job for her because we live in a bad nieghbor hood and she also scars people away and sometimes other have this dog is cool because she kills rats from other peoples houses. I belive dogs are better than cats because you can train them easier protect you and kill rats.

  5.      Slowly, I watch my dog improve in the protecting drills. In my house I train my dog things that will come in handy. To have a pet that is very playful makes my family and I happy. I think it is better to have a dog then a cat for the protection, training them, and because there playful.

  6.     Having a pet dog is fun because you can train them to do things. Dogs can also swim unlike cats who do not like the water that much. To be protected by a dog makes me feel safe. Dogs are better pets than cats because they could be trained,they could provide you protection,and they could swim.

  7. nbsp;    Silently my dog finds a nice place to do his bisness. Playing make my dog health better in certain way. At the backyard my dog do whatever I comand because he know that I am going to give him treats. I know dogs are better than cats because they can potty train, do the comands, and do training than cats.

  8. Additanaly,I like dog becuase they protect you. They protect you by scaring away intruders out of your house. Another resone i choose dog for a pet is becuase they care about you. They care about you becuase when you are alone they come to you and lik you.The finally
    resone why i like dogs is because they help you,they help you by bringing you things what you need. this is why i choose dogs because they protect you, care about you and help you. this is why i like dogs.

  9.     First training dog is easy to do. Where can you play play with your dog is at the beach and the pool.Lastly dog can protect you from intuder by biting them to keep them away.Dog are the best pet to protect you,play with you and easy to train.

  10.     To have a cat is as a pet is a exellent idea because of all the things about them. One thing about them that makes cats good pets is because of their skills. Additionally, their advantages is another reason why cats can make good pets. Lastly, cats can make great pets because of their abilities that allows them to take care of themselves.

  11.     Suddenly, in the middle of the night my dog woke up and started to scratch my bedroom door, when I opend the front door it was only my dad and my uncle coming home from work.In the morning in my hamsters’ cage my hamsers didn’t have breakfast yet because I forgot so my hamsters’ started to eat their bedding and my dog saw it so she brought the bag of hamster food to me and I said “oh i almost forgot thanks for bringing the bag of hamster food to me”.Playing at the park is alwasy exiting to my dog somtimes we race across the feeld and other times we race down slides or try to climb up slides.Finally dogs can gaurd or protect they are smart or talented and last of all they are playful and are fun or very enjoying I love dogs!

  12.      Luckily my dog is easy to train because when i tell her somthing she listens to me or the family that she knows. Protecting us is a big job job for her because we live a bad nieghbor hood and somtimes she scares dogs and people away.To have this dog is cool because she kills rats from other people houses .I belive dogs are better than cats because you can train the easier,protect you, and kill rats for you if you have some

  13.      Dog are the best training dog. Training dog how to swim. How you can train your dog how to swim is you have to put it in a kids pool.Training dog how to do trick.The trick you can do is sit,lay,roll over and jump.Dog are fun to train with.

  14. I have two dogs! Most dogs make good pets they can be your buddy, they will protect you, and there fun to play with.

  15.     In the United States, there are 68 million dogs owned. Several articles from eHow discuss which pet is the best between a cat and a dog. Dogs make the greatest pet.

  16.     Dogs are a comin house hold pet. dog. 75% of houses have dogs. there are many different tapes of dog. Over 100 different tapes off dog . Most houses you go to you will see a dog .This means that if you are a dog person you will git to play with there dog. As you can see dogs are better pets in this way and meany more.

  17.     Begging might be a thing that you would want to train your dog to do because that way they wont just snatch things away from you. To train your dog how to roll can be fun and also seeing a dog roll on the floor can be funny as well. Training a dog how to jump you can do that with a toy, bone, or any types of treats.

  18.     Loudly, dogs bark when someone breaks in. Excitedly, I watch my dogs chase the ball. Jumpingly, my dogs jump every where. Dogs are better than cats because they protect you, they are more playful, and energetic.

  19.      To have a dog as a pet is fun because you can teach a dog how to protect your house by barking at that person that is in your backyard. Dogs are fun to play with because you can play fetch and play chase with the dog. It is fun to play that with a dog. You can teach a dog how to do tricks how to catch their treat, how to roll over, and how to make dogs set down. Dogs are better than cats because dogs are fun to play with and how to teach dogs tricks.

  20. I believe that dogs make better pet than cat because they are easy to train, they are funny, they can protect you.

  21.      I believe that dogs make better pet than cat because they are easy to train, they are funny, they can protect you.

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