1/3/5 Describe/Dramatize/Contrast – Plasma, Platelets, RBCs, and WBCs

RedWhite Blood Cells

Students will write a script as if they are hiring someone that protects against harmful bacteria and is irregularly shaped. They will interview plasma, a platelet, a red blood cell and white blood cell. For each interview, the HR rep will ask two questions:

“Are you irregularly shaped?”
“Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”



  1. HR: Mr.plasma are you irregulary shaped ?
    P: No, but I am a yellow , watery liquid that pushes blood cells though the blood stream.
    HR: Do you protect aganist harmful bacteria?
    P: No , I bring food particles to body cells and it collects waste particles from bodystream.
    HR:Thank you for your help.
    HR: Mrs. Red Blood Cell are you irregulary shaped ? INCOMPLETE

    • I bring… it collects…
      I though you bring food and YOU collect waste. Be careful of your pronoun use.

  2. HR: “Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Platelets.” “Have a seat.”
    M.P: “Hello.”
    HR: “Oh so this job has some requirements.” “I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    H.R:”So first question; Are you an irregularly shape?’
    M.P:”No, I am a small oval shape.”
    H.R:”O.k that is it, I will let you now if you get the job.
    H.R:”Hello, nice to meet you Mrs

  3. HR: Hello, Mrs. Red Blood Cell. I want to ask you some questions. Is that alright?
    RBC: Hello, and yes you may.
    HR: Are you irregularly shaped?
    RBC: No, I’m round and flat.
    HR: How about, Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    RBC: No, I carry oxygen to blood cells.
    HR: Thank you for interviewing Today!

    HR: How are you doing today, Mr. Plasma?
    PLAS: I’m pretty good.
    HR: May I ask you some questions?
    PLAS: sure.
    HR: Do protect against harmful bacteria?
    PLAS: No, I’m yellow & watery liquid that pushes blood cells through the blood stream.
    HR: Okay, Are you irregularly shaped?
    PLAS: No I’m not.
    HR: Well, thank you for interviewing today

    HR: Hello, Mrs. Platelets.
    PLAT: Hello
    HR: Can I ask you some questions today?
    PLAT: Yes, you can.
    HR: Are you irregularly shaped?
    PLAT: No I am small and oval.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    PLAT: No, I stop bleeding.
    HR: Thank you for interviewing today!
    PLAT: Thank you

    HR: Hello, Mr. White Blood Cell, How are you today?
    WBC: I’m fine.
    HR: May I ask you some questions?
    WBC: Sure I don’t mind.
    HR: Thank you. Are you irregularly shaped?
    WBC: Yes, I am
    HR: And Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    WBC: Yes…. How did you know that?
    HR: CONGRATULATIONS!! You got the JOB !!!
    WBC: Thank You.

    • This sounds great! Be mindful of your capitalization and punctuation Jasmin. It’s not a distraction but there a few errors in this area .

    • …? It’s says many funny things. It doesn’t look like there are any things that sounds like nonsense. …? Anyway it is great!

  4. HR: “Hello, nice to meet you Ms. Plasma. Have a seat.”
    Plas: “Hi.”
    HR: “Ok so this job has a few requirements. I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    Plas: “Ok.”
    HR: “So, first question. Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Plas: “No, I only push blood through the body and deal with food and waste.”
    HR: “Ok, next question. Are you irregularly shaped?”
    Plas: “I have no shape. I’m a watery liquid.”
    HR: “Thanks for coming in today, we’ll call you if you get the job.”
    Plas: “Thank you.”
    HR: “Hi Mr. Red Blood Cell. Take a seat and we can get started.”
    RBC: “Sounds good to me.”
    HR: “Ok. Are you irregularly shaped?”
    RBC: “No, I’m round and flat.”
    HR: “Hmm. I see. Ok so do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    RBC: “No, I carry oxygen to cells.”
    HR: “Thank you for coming in today. We’ll give a call.”
    RBC: “Thank you.”
    HR: “Good afternoon Mrs. Platelet. Sit down please.”
    Plat: “Hi.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Plat: “No, I create scabs to stop bleeding.”
    HR: “Ok, ok. Um, are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLat: “I’m afraid not. I’m oval and small.”
    HR: “Thank you for coming in today. It was a pleasure meeting you.”
    Plat: “You too.”
    HR: “Afternoon Sir. Well Mr. White Blood Cell take a sear.”
    WBC: “Hello.”
    HR: “So do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    WBC: “Yes, I do.”
    HR: “Great. Are you irregularly shaped?”
    WBC: “I am!”
    HR: “YOU’RE HIRED!!!”

    • Excellent! Sounds like you’d make a great Human Resource representative for a company Nicole.

  5. HR: “Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Platelets.” “Have a seat.”
    Mr.P: “Hello.”
    HR: “Oh so this job has some requirements.” “I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    H.R ”So first question; Are you an irregularly shape?’
    M.P:”No, I am a small oval shape.”
    HR: “Second question; Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Mrs.P: “No, I work with the plasma to stop bleeding.”
    H.R:”O.k that is it, I will let you now if you get the job.
    Mrs.P:”Thank you, see you later.”
    H.R:”Hello, nice to meet you Mrs.Plasma.” “Please sit.”
    Mrs.P: “Thank you.”
    HR: “I’ll ask you some questions and se if you fit them.”
    Mrs.P: “All right.”
    HR: “O.k first question

  6. HR: Mr.plasma are you irregulary shaped ?
    P: No, but I am a yellow , watery liquid that pushes blood cells though the blood stream.
    HR: Do you protect aganist harmful bacteria?
    P: No , I bring food particles to body cells and it collects waste particles from bodystream.
    HR:Thank you for your help Plasma.
    HR: Mrs. Red Blood Cell are you irregulary shaped ?
    RBC: No, I am round and flat a chemical called “Hemoglobin” makes me red.
    HR: Do you protect aganist harmful bacteria?
    RBC: No, I carry oxygen to body cells.
    HR: Thank you for your help Mrs. Red Blood Cell.
    HR: Mrs. Platelet are you irreglulary shaped ?
    P: No, I am not but I am small and oval shaped.
    HR: Mr.Platelet do you protect aganist harmful bacteria?
    P: No, I stop you from bleedingwith Plasma.
    HR:Thannk you for your help Mrs. Platelet INCOMPLETE

  7. R: Mr.plasma are you irregulary shaped ?
    P: No, but I am a yellow , watery liquid that pushes blood cells though the blood stream.
    HR: Do you protect aganist harmful bacteria?
    P: No , I bring food particles to body cells and it collects waste particles from bodystream.
    HR:Thank you for your help Plasma.
    HR: Mrs. Red Blood Cell are you irregulary shaped ?
    RBC: No, I am round and flat a chemical called “Hemoglobin” makes me red.
    HR: Do you protect aganist harmful bacteria?
    RBC: No, I carry oxygen to body cells.
    HR: Thank you for your help Mrs. Red Blood Cell.
    HR: Mrs. Platelet are you irreglulary shaped ?
    P: No, I am not but I am small and oval shaped.
    HR: Mr.Platelet do you protect aganist harmful bacteria?
    P: No, I stop you from bleedingwith Plasma.
    HR:Thank you for your help Mrs. Platelet
    HR: Mr. White Blood Cell are you irregulary shaped?
    WBC: Yes I am Large and Irregulary shaped.
    HR: Mr. White Blood Cell do you protect aganist harmful bacteria?
    WBC: Yes , I protect aganist harmful bacteria that get in your body.
    HR: Thank you very much YOU GOT THE JOB!!

  8. HR: “Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Platelets.” “Have a seat.”
    Mr.P: “Hello.”
    HR: “Oh so this job has some requirements.” “I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    H.R ”So first question; Are you an irregularly shape?’
    M.P:”No, I am a small oval shaped cell.”
    HR: “O.k, Second question; Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Mrs.P: “No, I work with the plasma to stop bleeding.”
    H.R:”O.k that is it, I will let you now if you get the job.
    Mrs.P:”Thank you, see you later.”
    H.R:”Hello, nice to meet you Mrs.Plasma.” “Please sit.”
    Mrs.P: “Thank you.”
    H.R: “I’ll ask you some questions and se if you fit them.”
    Mrs.P: “All right.”
    HR: “O.k first question; Are you irregularly shaped?”
    Mrs.P:”No, I am actually a yellow, watery liquid.

  9. HR:Hello,Nice to meet you Mrs.Plasma.We are going to interview you today.INCOMPLETE

  10. HR: Hello, nice to meet you Ms.Plasma.
    HR: Are you irregulary shaped?
    Plas: No, I am a watery yellow liquid.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plas: No, I push blood cells through the blood stream, and bring food particles to bpdy cells.
    HR: Well thanks for interviewing today.

    HR: Good afternoon Ms.Platelets.
    HR: Are you irregulary shaped?
    Plat: No, I am a small oval shape.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plat: No, I work with Plasma to stop bleeding.
    HR: Well, that’s it. Thank you Ms. Platelets for interviewing.

    HR: Nice to meet you Mr. Red Blood Cell.
    HR: Are you irregulary shaped?
    RBC: No, I am round and flat shaped.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    RBC: No, I just carry oxygen to body cells.
    HR: Thank you for interviewing today.

    HR: Hello, Mr. White Blood Cell.
    HR: Are you irregulary shaped?
    WBC: Yes, yes I’m irregulary shaped.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria.
    WBC: Yes I protect against harmful bacteria.
    HR: You’re hired Mr. White Blood Cells, and thank you for interviewing today.

  11. HR: Hello nice to meet you Mr. Plasma !
    Plasma: Hi
    HR: So are you irregular shaped ?
    Plasma: No I am yellow and watery.
    HR: Do you help fight against harmful bacteria?
    Plasma: No but I push blood through the body.
    HR: Thank you for interviewing!

    HR: Good Evening, Mrs. Platelet.
    HR: So I am going to ask you some questions.
    Platelet: O.K.
    HR: Are you Irregularly shaped?
    Platelet: No I am not I am small and oval shaped .
    HR: Do you protect againest harmful bacteria?
    Platelet:I work with Plasma to stop bleeding.
    HR: thank you for interviewing.

    HR: Hello Mr.Red Blood Cell
    Red Blood Cell: Hey there.
    HR: I Am going to ask you some questions to see if you qualify for the job.
    HR: Are you irregularly shapped ?
    Red Blood Cell: No, i’m Round and flat though?
    HR: Do you help fight harmful bacteria?
    Red Blood Cell: No, I carry Oxegon to blood cells.
    HR: Thank for interviewing.

    HR: Hello Thank you for coming.
    White blood cell: Hey
    HR: So are you irregularly shaped?
    White Blood Cell: Yes, yes I am!
    HR: Do you help fight againest harmful bacteria?
    White Blood Cell: Yes, I do.
    HR: CONGRADUATIONS! You got the job!
    White Blood Cell: Thank you! thank you very much!

  12. Human Resources Interview

    Hr:”Hello nice to meet you Mrs.Plasma.”

    Hr:”Mrs.Plasma my first quest ion is are you irregularly shape?”

    Mrs.P:”No I am yellow, watery, and liquidy.”

    Hr:”Okay. Last question do you protect against bacteria?”

    Mrs.P:”No my job is to push blood through the blood stream.

    Hr:”Well thank you for interveiwing today.”
    Hr:”Hello nice to meet you Mr.Red Blood Cell.

    Hr:”Mr.Red Blood Cell I have two questions for you to answer. My 1st question is Are you irregularly shape.”

    Mr.Red Blood Cell:”No I’m round and flat.”

    Hr:”2nd question Do you protect against bacteria.”

    Mr.Red Blood Cell:”No my job is to carry oxygen to the blood cells.

    Hr:”Thank you for your time.”
    Hr:”Ms. Platelets thank you for coming.”

    Hr:”Ms. Platelets I have two questions for you. My first one is Are you irregularly shaped?”

    Ms. Platelets:”No I am not. I am small and an oval shape.”

    Hr:”O.k second question Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”

    Ms.Platelets:”No my job is to work with plasma to stop bleeding.”

    Hr:”thank you for your time.”
    Hr:”Good Morning Mr.White Blood Cell. Thank you for coming.”

    Hr:”I have two questions for you. My first question is are you irregularly shaped.”

    Mr.RBC:”Yes,yes I am.”

    Hr:”Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”

    Mr.RBC:”Yes I do protect against harmful bacteria.”

    Hr:”You’re hired.”

  13. HR: Hello, nice to meet you.
    HR:Ok Mr.Platelet, are you irregularly shaped?
    Plat:No I am small and oval.
    HR:Hm… ok do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plat:No i work with plasma to stop bleeding.
    HR:Thank you for coming today… NEXT!
    HR: Hi Mr. Red blood cell, are you irregurlary shaped?
    RBC:No, actually I am small and oval.
    HR:Ok, do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    RBC:No, I carry oxygen.
    HR:Thank you for coming today…NEXT!!
    HR:Hi, Mrs. Plasma good morning, I am going to ask you a few questions.
    HR:Are you irregularly shaped?
    PLAS:No, actually I am yellow and watery.
    HR:Ok, do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    PLAS:NO, I push blood through the blood stream and brings food particles and collect waste.
    HR: Thank you for coming today, bye have a good day.
    HR: Good afternoon, Mrs. White blood cell.
    HR: Are you irregularly shaped?
    WBC: Yes I am irregularly shaped.
    HR: Hmm ok do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    WBC: Yes i protect against harmful bacteria.

  14. HR: “Are you irregulary shaped?”
    Plas:” No, I am a watery yellow liquid.”
    HR:” Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Plas:” No, I push blood cells through the blood stream, and bring food particles to body cells.”
    HR:” Well thanks for interviewing today.”
    HR:” Good afternoon Ms.Platelet.”
    HR: “Are you irregulary shaped?”
    Plat:” No, I am a small oval shape.”
    HR:” Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Plat:” No, I work with Plasma to stop bleeding.”
    HR: “Well, that’s it. Thank you Ms. Platelets for interviewing.”
    HR:” Nice to meet you Mr. Red Blood Cell.”
    HR:” Are you irregulary shaped?”
    RBC:” No, I am round and flat shaped.”
    HR:” Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    RBC: No, I just carry oxygen to body cells.
    HR: Thank you for interviewing today.
    HR: Hello, Mr. White Blood Cell.
    HR: Are you irregulary shaped?
    WBC: Yes, yes I’m irregulary shaped.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria.
    WBC: Yes I protect against harmful bacteria.
    HR: You’re hired Mr. White Blood Cells, and thank you for interviewing today. INCOMPLETE!

  15. HR:Good morning Mr.Plasma. I’m here to ask you some questions for the job interview. The first question is are you irregulary shaped?
    Plasma:No. I am a yellow, watery liquid.
    HR:Oh…well do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plasma:Nope! I push blood cells into the blood stream.
    HR:Okay. Well I’ll tell you if you get the job or not.
    Plasma:Okay, thanks for coming! Hope i get the job.
    HR:Hello Mrs.Platelet. I’m here to ask you some questions for the job interview. The first question is are ou irregulary shaped?
    Platelet:Absouletely not. I am a small oval cell in the blood.
    HR:Hmm…intersting. Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Platelet:No, I actually work with Mr.Plasma to stop bleeding.
    HR:Okay. Well I’ll tell you if you get the job or not.

  16. HR: “Hello, nice to meet you.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    RB: “No I’m not irregulary shaped I’m oval shaped.
    HR: “Do you proctect agaisnt harmful bacteria?”
    RB: “No I don’t I push blood trew the body.”
    HR: “Thank you for interviewing”
    HR: “Hello Mr. Plasma nice to meet you”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shape?”
    PL: “No I’m a water yellow liquid.”
    HR: “Do you proctect against harmful bacteria.”
    PL: “No I don’t I store waste particles from body cells”.
    HR: “Thanks for interviewing today”.
    HR: ” Hello Mrs. Platelets nice to meet you”.
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped”?
    PLA: ” No I’m not I’m a small oval shaped”.
    HR : ” Do you proctect against harmful bacteria”?
    PLA: “No they work with plasma to stop bleeding”.
    HR: “Thank alot for interviewing today”
    HR: “Hello Mr.White blood cell”.
    HR: “Are you irregularly shape”?
    WBC: “Yes I am irregularly shaped”.
    HR: “Do you proctect against harmful bacteria”?
    WBC: “Yes I do protect against harmful bacteria”.
    HR: ” YOU GOT THE JOB!!!

  17. Human Resources (HR)
    HR: Hello, Nice to meet you Mrs. Plasma.
    Plas: Hello sir.
    HR: Are you irregularly shaped?
    Plas: No, im yellow, watery liquid?
    HR: Do you protect agaist harmful bacteria?
    Plas: No, I push blood cells through the blood stream.
    HR: Okay then tank you for interviewing today.
    HR: Hello, Nice to meet you Mr. Platelets.
    Plat: Nice to meet you to.
    HR: Are you irregularly shaped?
    Plat: No I’m small & oval.
    HR: Do


  18. HR: Hello, nice to meet you Mr.Plasma.
    Plas: Hello, nice to meet you to.
    HR: Are you a irregularly shape.
    Plas: Acually, I’m not I am a yellow watery liquid.
    HR: Do you protect agianst harmful bacteria?
    Plas: No, I push blood through the body.
    HR: Ok thanks for coming.
    Plas: Thank you for my interview

    HR: Helo, good evening Ms. platelet.
    Plat: Hello good evening.
    HR : Are you INCOMPLETE!!!!

  19. HR:Good morning Mr.Plasma. I’m here to ask you some questions for the job interview. The first question is are you irregulary shaped?
    Plasma:No. I am a yellow, watery liquid.
    HR:Oh…well do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plasma:Nope! I push blood cells into the blood stream.
    HR:Okay. Well I’ll tell you if you get the job or not.
    Plasma:Okay, thanks for coming! Hope i get the job.
    HR:Hello Mrs.Platelet. I’m here to ask you some questions for the job interview. The first question is are ou irregulary shaped?
    Platelet:Absouletely not. I am a small oval cell in the blood.
    HR:Hmm…intersting. Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Platelet:No, I actually work with Mr.Plasma to stop bleeding.
    HR:Okay. Well I’ll tell you if you get the job or not.
    Platelet:Okay, hopefully I got the job. Thanks for interviewing me. Bye!
    HR:Hi Mrs.Red Blood Cell. I’m here to interview you for a job. The first question is are you irregulary shaped?
    RBC:No. I’m round and flat.
    HR:Uhm, do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    RBC:No. I carry oxygen to body cells.
    HR:Oh, well I’ll tell you if you got the job or not.
    HR:Hellp Mr.White Blood Cell. Nice to meet you. I’m here to interview you for a job. The first question is are you irregulary shaped?
    WBC:Yes. Yes i am.
    HR:Perfecto! I don’t need to ask anymore questions. YOUR HIRED!!

  20. HR:Good morning Mr.Plasma. I’m here to ask you some questions for the job interview. The first question is are you irregulary shaped?
    Plasma:No. I am a yellow, watery liquid.
    HR:Oh…well do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plasma:Nope! I push blood cells into the blood stream.
    HR:Okay. Well I’ll tell you if you get the job or not.
    Plasma:Okay, thanks for coming! Hope i get the job.
    HR:Hello Mrs.Platelet. I’m here to ask you some questions for the job interview. The first question is are ou irregulary shaped?
    Platelet:Absouletely not. I am a small oval cell in the blood.
    HR:Hmm…intersting. Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Platelet:No, I actually work with Mr.Plasma to stop bleeding.
    HR:Okay. Well I’ll tell you if you get the job or not.
    Platelet:Okay, hopefully I got the job. Thanks for interviewing me. Bye!
    HR:Hi Mrs.Red Blood Cell. I’m here to interview you for a job. The first question is are you irregulary shaped?
    RBC:No. I’m round and flat.
    HR:Uhm, do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    RBC:No. I carry oxygen to body cells.
    HR:Oh, well I’ll tell you if you got the job or not.
    HR:Help Mr.White Blood Cell. Nice to meet you. I’m here to interview you for a job. The first question is are you irregulary shaped?
    WBC:Yes. Yes i am.
    HR:Perfecto! I don’t need to ask anymore questions. YOUR HIRED!!

  21. PLASMA
    HR:” Hello nice to meet you plasma.
    PLAS: ” Hello.”
    HR: ” One question ide like to ask you is are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAS: ” Well no i’m not im actually a yellow watery liquid”.
    HR: ” Ok”. ”Do you protect againsed harmful bacteria?”
    Plas: ” No I actually help push blood cells through the blood stream”.
    HR: ” Ok thankyou for interviewing today.”

  22. HR: “Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Platelets.” “Have a seat.”
    Mr.P: “Hello.”
    HR: “Oh so this job has some requirements.” “I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    H.R ”So first question; Are you an irregularly shape?’
    M.P:”No, I am a small oval shaped cell.”
    HR: “O.k, Second question; Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Mrs.P: “No, I work with the plasma to stop bleeding.”
    H.R:”O.k that is it, I will let you now if you get the job.
    Mrs.P:”Thank you, see you later.”
    H.R:”Hello, nice to meet you Mrs.Plasma.” “Please sit.”
    Mrs.P: “Thank you.”
    H.R: “I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    Mrs.P: “All right.”
    HR: “O.k first question; Are you irregularly shaped?”
    Mrs.P:”No, I am actually a yellow, watery liquid.
    H.R:”O.k second question Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Mrs.P:” No, I actually push blood cells through the blood stream.”
    H.R:”O.k that is it I will call you if you get the job.”
    H.R:”Come in Red Blood Cell and have a seat.”

  23. Script:
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAS: “No I am a wateryyellow liquid.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    PLAS: “No I push blood through the blood stream, and bring food particles to the body cells.”
    HR: “Well thanks for the interview today.”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR: “Good afternoon Mrs. Platlet.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAT: “Sorry, but I am a oval shaped cell.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    PLAT: “No, I work in the blood with plasma to stop bleeding.”
    HR: “Thank you Mrs. PLatlet!”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR: “Hello, Mr. Red Blood Cell.”
    RBC: “Good afternoon.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    RBC: “I am actualy round and flat.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmfull bacteria?”
    RBC: “No, I carry oxygento the body.”
    HR: “Have a great afternoon and thank you for this interview.”
    HR: “Nice to meet you Mrs. White blood cell.”
    WBC: “Hello.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    WBC: “Yes, I am irregularly shaped.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmfull bacteria?”
    WBC: “Yes I do protect against harmfull bacteria.”
    HR COngradulations!

  24. HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAS: “No I am a wateryyellow liquid.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    PLAS: “No I push blood through the blood stream, and bring food particles to the body cells.”
    HR: “Well thanks for the interview today.”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR: “Good afternoon Mrs. Platlet.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAT: “Sorry, but I am a oval shaped cell.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    PLAT: “No, I work in the blood with plasma to stop bleeding.”
    HR: “Thank you Mrs. PLatlet!”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR: “Hello, Mr. Red Blood Cell.”
    RBC: “Good afternoon.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    RBC: “I am actualy round and flat.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmfull bacteria?”
    RBC: “No, I carry oxygento the body.”
    HR: “Have a great afternoon and thank you for this interview.”
    HR: “Nice to meet you Mrs. White blood cell.”
    WBC: “Hello.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    WBC: “Yes, I am irregularly shaped.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmfull bacteria?”
    WBC: “Yes I do protect against harmfull bacteria.”
    HR: ” Congragulationsyou have won the job!”
    HR: “THank you for your interview this afternoon. I will see you next week at your job see how you are doing.”

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  25. HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAS: “No I am a watery yellow liquid.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    PLAS: “No I push blood through the blood stream, and bring food particles to the body cells.”
    HR: “Well thanks for the interview today.”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR: “Good afternoon Mrs. Platlet.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAT: “Sorry, but I am a oval shaped cell.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    PLAT: “No, I work in the blood with plasma to stop bleeding.”
    HR: “Thank you Mrs. PLatlet!”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR: “Hello, Mr. Red Blood Cell.”
    RBC: “Good afternoon.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    RBC: “I am actualy round and flat.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmfull bacteria?”
    RBC: “No, I carry oxygen to the body.”
    HR: “Have a great afternoon and thank you for this interview.”
    HR: “Nice to meet you Mrs. White blood cell.”
    WBC: “Hello.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    WBC: “Yes, I am irregularly shaped.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmfull bacteria?”
    WBC: “Yes I do protect against harmfull bacteria.”
    HR: ” Congragulationsyou have won the job!”
    HR: “THank you for your interview this afternoon. I will see you next week at your job see how you are doing.”

    Blog Entry
    Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
    1 – Remembering
    2 – Understanding
    3 – Applying
    5 – Evaluating
    6 – Creating
    Connection to Writing
    Response to Literature
    1st Movie – Dialogue
    2nd Movie – Action Scene
    3rd Movie – Commercial
    4th Movie – Group Proj.
    5th – End of Year Project
    SEVA 2010 Entry
    SEVA 2011 Entry
    Script, Storyboard, Movie
    Teacher Examples

  26. Elexis says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    May 26, 2011 at 8:41 am
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAS: “No I am a watery yellow liquid.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    PLAS: “No I push blood through the blood stream, and bring food particles to the body cells.”
    HR: “Well thanks for the interview today.”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR: “Good afternoon Mrs. Platlet.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAT: “Sorry, but I am a oval shaped cell.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    PLAT: “No, I work in the blood with plasma to stop bleeding.”
    HR: “Thank you Mrs. PLatlet!”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HR: “Hello, Mr. Red Blood Cell.”
    RBC: “Good afternoon.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    RBC: “I am actualy round and flat.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmfull bacteria?”
    RBC: “No, I carry oxygen to the body.”
    HR: “Have a great afternoon and thank you for this interview.”
    HR: “Nice to meet you Mrs. White blood cell.”
    WBC: “Hello.”
    HR: “Are you irregularly shaped?”
    WBC: “Yes, I am irregularly shaped.”
    HR: “Do you protect against harmfull bacteria?”
    WBC: “Yes I do protect against harmfull bacteria.”
    HR: ” Congragulationsyou have won the job!”
    HR: “THank you for your interview this afternoon. I will see you next week at your job see how you are doing.”

  27. HR: “Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Platelets.” “Have a seat.”
    Mr.P: “Hello.”
    HR: “Oh so this job has some requirements.” “I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    H.R ”So first question; Are you an irregularly shape?’
    M.P:”No, I am a small oval shaped cell.”
    HR: “O.k, Second question; Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Mrs.P: “No, I work with the plasma to stop bleeding.”
    H.R:”O.k that is it, I will let you now if you get the job.
    Mrs.P:”Thank you, see you later.”
    H.R:”Hello, nice to meet you Mrs.Plasma.” “Please sit.”
    Mrs.P: “Thank you.”
    H.R: “I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    Mrs.P: “All right.”
    HR: “O.k first question; Are you irregularly shaped?”
    Mrs.P:”No, I am actually a yellow, watery liquid.
    H.R:”O.k second question Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Mrs.P:” No, I actually push blood cells through the blood stream.”
    H.R:”O.k that is it I will call you if you get the job.”
    H.R:”Come in Mr.Red Blood Cell and have a seat.”
    M.RBC:”Thank you.”
    H.R:” I will need to ask you some questions, o.k I will need to ask you some questions.”
    M.RBC:”That fine with me.”
    H.R: “First question;Are you irregularly shaped?”
    M.RBC:”No I am a round and flat cell.”
    H.R: O.k next question: Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    M.RBC:”No I collect oxygen from the air in the alveoli.”
    H.R:That’s it I will call if you get the job.”
    H.R: “Come in Mrs.White Blood Cell.”
    M.WBC:”O.k, thank you.”
    H.R: “I will ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    H.R:”O.k first question: Are you irregularly shaped?”
    M.WBC:”Yes. yes I am.”
    H.R:”Good, next question; Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    M.WBC:”Yes, I do.”
    M.WBC:”That’s great, thank you!”

  28. HR:’Hello nice to meet you.
    RBC:Nice to meet you too.
    HR:Do you help blood flow threw the body easyly.
    RBC:Yes i do help the blood a lot of times.
    HR:You go

  29. PLASMA
    HR:” Hello nice to meet you plasma.
    PLAS: ” Hello.”
    HR: ” One question ide like to ask you is are you irregularly shaped?”
    PLAS: ” Well no i’m not im actually a yellow watery liquid”.
    HR: ” Ok”. ”Do you protect againsed harmful bacteria?”
    Plas: ” No I actually help push blood cells through the blood stream”.
    HR: ” Ok thankyou for interviewing today.”
    HR ” Hello nice to meet you Ms. Platelets. ”
    PLAT: ” Hello nice to meet you. ”
    HR: ” One question id’e like to ask you is are u irregularly shaped. ”
    PLAT: ” Well no i am actually an oval cell. ”
    HR: ” Ok do you protect againsed harmful bacteria? ”
    PLAT: ” No I actually make scabs. ”
    HR: ” Ok thank you for interviewing today. ”
    HR: ” Hello nice to meet you Mr. Red Blood Cells. ”
    RBC: ” Hello. ”
    HR: ” One question id’e like to ask you is are you irregularly shaped? ”
    RBC: ” No im not not im round and flat. ”
    HR: ” Ok the last question is do you protect againsed harmful bacteria? ”
    RBC: ” No I carry oxygen to body cells. ”
    HR: ” Ok thank you for interviewing today. ”
    RBC: ” Your welcome. ”
    HR: ” Hello nice to meet you Ms. White blood cells have a seat. ”
    WBC: ” Hello. ”
    HR: ” Ide like to ask you are you are you irregularly shaped?” ” And do you protect againsed harmful bacteria. ”
    WBC: ” Yes and Yes. ”
    HR: ” Ok your hired! ”

  30. HR:’Hello nice to meet you.
    RBC:Nice to meet you too.
    HR:Do you help blood flow threw the body easyly.
    RBC:Yes i do help the blood a lot of times.
    HR:You got the job kid.
    RBC:I did thank you sir.
    HR:Thank you for interviewing.

  31. HR:”Hello, nice to meet you Mrs.Plasma.” “Please sit.”
    Plas: “Thank you.”
    HR: “I’ll ask you some questions and see if you fit them.”
    Plas: “All right.”
    HR:O.k first question; Are you irregularly shaped?”
    Plas:”No, I am actually a yellow, watery liquid.
    HR:”O.k second question Do you protect against harmful bacteria?”
    Plas:” No, I actually push blood cells through the blood stream.”
    HR:”O.k that is it I will call you if you get the job.”
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ plat:Hi
    Hr:How are you doing today
    Plat:fine and you

  32. Hr:hello Ms.Plasma how are you doing today.
    Hr:I have a few quistions for you.
    Hr:Are you irreguraly shaped
    Plas: no,im yellow liquid
    Hr:ok next question do you protect against harmful bacteria
    Plas:no, i push blood through the body

  33. Human Resources
    HR: Hello, nice to meet you Mr.Plasma.
    Plas: Hello, nice to meet you.
    HR: So are you irregularly shape?
    Plas: Acully i’m not I am a a yellow watery liquid.
    HR:Do you protect from harmful bacteria?
    Plas: No I push blood cells through the body.
    HR: Oh, so thanks for coming.

  34. HR: Hello, Mr.Red Blood cell, nice to meet you.
    RBC: Nice to meet you too.
    HR: I came to interview you.
    HR: Are you irregulary shaped?
    RBC: No, I am round and flat.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    RBC: No, I carry oxygen to body cells.
    HR: Sorry, you are not hired, but thankyou for interviewing with me today.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    HR: Hello, Ms. Plasma nice to meet you.
    Plas: Nice to meet you too.
    HR: I am going to ask you two questions.
    HR: Are you irregulary shaped?
    Plas: No, I am yellow and a watery liquid.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plas: No, I bring food particles to body cells and I collect waste particles from body cells.
    HR: O.K, Thankyou for interviewing today with me.
    Plas: You welcome
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    HR: Hello, Platelet nice to meet you.
    Plat: Nice to meet you too.
    HR: I am go ing to ask you a couple of questions.
    HR: First, are you irregulary shaped?
    Plat: No, I am small and oval cells.
    HR: O.K. Second, Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plat: No, I work with Plasma to stop bleeding.
    HR: O.K., I am really sorry you didn’t get hired.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    HR: Hello, White Blood Cell, nice to meet you.
    WBC: I am very pleased to meet you too.
    HR: I am here to ask you two questions.
    HR: First, Are you irregulary shaped?
    WBC: Yes, I am irregulary shaped.
    HR: Second, Do you protect against harmful bacteria.
    WBC: Yes, I do protect against harmful bacteria.
    HR: You are hired.

  35. HR: Hello, nice to meet you Mr.Plasma.
    Plas: Hello, nice to meet you to.
    HR: Are you a irregularly shape.
    Plas: Acually, I’m not I am a yellow watery liquid.
    HR: Do you protect agianst harmful bacteria?
    Plas: No, I push blood through the body.
    HR: Ok thanks for coming.
    Plas: Thank you for my interview

    HR: Helo, good evening Ms. platelet.
    Plat: Hello good evening.
    HR : Are you an irregularly shaped?
    Plat: No, actually I am small and oval cells.
    HR:Ok and Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    Plat:No I help Plasma to stop bleeding.
    HR: Ok thats all thank you for coming have a nice day.
    Plat: You to.
    ____________________________________________________HR: Hello good evening Mr.RBC
    RBC: Hi
    HR:So today Im going to ask some questions.
    RBC: sounds good
    HR: So are you irregularly shaped?
    RBC: No I’m round and flat.
    HR: Do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    RBC:No I carry oxygen to body cells.
    HR:Ok thats all I need thanks
    RBC: Thank you
    HR : Hello nice to meet you Mrs. WBC
    WBC: Hello
    HR: So I’m going to ask some questions
    WBC: Ok
    HR: Are you irregularly shaped
    WBC: Yes I am
    HR: Sounds good do you protect against harmful bacteria?
    WBC: In fact I do.
    HR: Your hired.
    WBC: Thank you so much.

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