Blog: Reflection on Movie Making

Remember your first movie? Write about how much you’ve grown from your first to your current movie. (a.l.6)



  1. Since my first movie I think they started to make more sense. My movies are getting funnier.

  2. My first movie had a lot of mistakes. I cut the movie to fast now no one can under stand the begging of the movie. I take more time editing my moviesnow. I always try to make funny movies.

  3. My first movie didn’t turn out so good. When I was watching it at home and then I looked at a scene and freaked out. My second and third movie got better and better. Whenever we write our comments on my movie, they tell me what I did wrong and and how to fix it. In my movie, the director knows what to do and diretor knows what to do and director’s assistant is not in the shot. I made a difference in my movie.

  4. My first movie I made was about lost homework. Now that I’ve made my 2nd and 3rd movie, I’ve gotten better. I’ ve learned how to combine two of my lines together. Also, I learned how to make and edit a movie as a group. From my first movie, I could see the difference. Between my mistakes and how I got better, I’ve gotten better. From what I learned I know that I have grown from my first movie.

  5. My frist movie took me a long time to finish, my storyboard, and a script. At the time I was finish with my storyboad , I had to flim my movie. When we shot my movie. It was like I was in a oven, but when they flim my movie and when I said my lines it feel like I wasn’t in the oven no more. It feel like I was just not bake the oven. When I leaned what mistake I made I knew the promble was. Then I got better and better and better. But the only thing I need to work on is: saying my line loud, and counting to three then sayinging my line. I don’t know if my writting is good or not but I think my writing are about 3 or 4.

  6. My frist movie took me a long time to finish, my storyboard, and a script. At the time I was finish with my storyboad , I had to flim my movie. When we shot my movie. It was like I was in a oven, but when they flim my movie and when I said my lines it feel like I wasn’t in the oven no more. It feel like I was just not bake the oven. When I leaned what mistake I made I knew the promble was. Then I got better and better and better. But the only thing I need to work on is: saying my line loud, and counting to three then sayinging my line. I don’t know if my writting is good or not but I think my writing are about 3 or 4.

  7. My first movie wasn’t perfect but were learning more and more every day about movie making. Were also getting better. In my first movie it didn’t really make sense but my current movie I was enthusiastic and did my best and it turned out really well. People don’t think its confusing and they love my current movie. Also the actors weren’t moving the camera was. Even in my first movie it was in the blurry and the director’s assistant was in the scenes but now we found a solution and that doesn’t happen any more. I have gotten better at writing and it is becoming very interesting.

  8. Movie making is hard a little because you have to use your imagnation and brain. My first movie was about lost home work it was good but not the best my second movie is probable going to be better than my first . So I hope my second movie is better than my first movie.

  9. Yes I remember about my first movie. And I think I have improve a lot from my first movie to my current movie. I think I had because in my first movie my director didn’t film a scene and my movie was incomplete. But now in my current movie I had done better things. And in my current movie whenever people saw it they laugh about my attitude. And in my first movie people didn’t laugh that much.

  10. Yes, I have improved on my writing it has more detail and adjectives. After I learned about transitions,onamanopoeia,metaphor,and similes. If I could rate my writing I would give it a four.

  11. Yes, I do think my movies are getting better. My first movie didn’t make much sense. My second got better. Then my third was a laughing-out-loud movie. And then my SEVA was even sassier. Finally I’m finished with my fifth movie!
    There’s still more to come!

  12. I made mistakes on my first movie. But after I learned new ways to write. It helped me alot when I made my second movie. I still make mistakess on editing. Editing is my weakness but I still try my best to get better even though its hard for me. I have grown alot since my first production in acting wise and editing wise.

  13. My first movie was kind of bring ,that what everybody had told me when school we had got out of school that @ 2:10.So I thought to myslfe I am going to stop making moives. So I did for like tow hole days. And just had filme my secound.I think the taecher just had upload my moive on a laptop.It is going to be good and differt shotes and it is not going to be very bring.I think I had impoved a lot on moive makeing it is very good not like my first movie.

  14. I made mistakes on my first movie. But after I learned new ways to write. It helped me alot when I made my second movie. I still make mistakess on editing. Editing is my weakness but I still try my best to get better even though its hard for me. I have grown alot since my first production in acting wise and editing wise.I can grow even more as time goes on and with more movies and more time my roots will grow as ,Shakespear would say,”To be or not to be that is the question” I used that I used that saying as my inspration, and it has helped me.

  15. I made mistakes on my first movie. But after I learned new ways to write. It helped me alot when I made my second movie. I still make mistakess on editing. Editing is my weakness but I still try my best to get better even though its hard for me. I have grown alot since my first production in acting wise and editing wise.I can grow even more as time goes on and with more movies and more time my roots will grow as ,Shakespear would say,”To be or not to be that is the question” I used that saying as my inspration, and it has helped me.

  16. I remember my first movie, my first movie was kind of so-so because there was a person that showed part of her face. People said that my first movie was great. I think it wasn’t great though.My second movie was even better than the first movie. I think the second was even better because there is more expression and more great shots.

  17. My movie making has improved thru the year. Now my movies are better because the movie has more shotes.
    the first movie i was bad at editing. My secon movie is better and i can edit better act, storybord better.

  18. My first movie was not good. I did not know what to do because it was the first movie I ever made. And then when I was editing I was so lost. But then I started scripting and storyboarding my second movie. I thought that was even better than my first. Plus it was alot funnier and it was exploding with sass. And now that I’m woreking on my third movie who knows what I could do. And I’ve also been practicing on acting,scripting,storyboarding,directing,and walking completely out of the shot when I’m a D.A..I think my movie making has gotten alot better since my first.

  19. My first movie was not good. I did not know what to do because it was the first movie I ever made. And then when I was editing I was so lost. But then I started scripting and storyboarding my second movie. I thought that was even better than my first. Plus it was alot funnier and it was exploding with sass. And now that I’m working on my third movie who knows what I could do. And I’ve also been practicing on acting,scripting,storyboarding,directing,and walking completely out of the shot when I’m a D.A..I think my movie making has gotten alot better since my first.

  20. Yes,I remember my first movie.Now that I’ve seen everyone’s mistakes includeing my own.It was sort of the same way with my second movie.I was just following the pack and using the same ideas that others used,such as:”My Lost Homework”.But now I am leaving the group and thinking up new ideas.I think I have greatly improved from a follower to a leader.

  21. Yes, I remember my first movie. Now that I’ve seen everyone’s mistakes includeing my own. It was sort of the same way with my second movie. I was just following the pack and using the same ideas that others used, such as:”My Lost Homework”. But now I am leaving the group and thinking up new ideas. I think I have greatly improved from a follower to a leader.

  22. On my first movie my writing was a little bit off. When I was filming my second movie I thought to myself that my next movie should be more humerouse and interesting. I thought that my actors should be funny

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