

  1. You couldn’t see Ben or Jazmine when they were talking. When they used the examples of questions I was impressed.

  2. Lucy, you need to do over the shoulder instead.
    It was good where gave some examples.

  3. You had some good lines. One I especially liked was when the student asked if the David Reese wear was machine washable.

  4. Lucy I think you’re movie was great. I saw Sarina in one of the shots it was kinda scary because there is like someone staring at your movie.

  5. “Hey Jazmine why don’t we have spirit wear “said Benjamin
    “I don”t know”said Jazmine
    Litzy walks in and asks
    “Hey guys don’t you think school would be more fun if we have spirit wear clothes”asked Litzy
    “Has this ever happened to you” said Lucy
    Litzy,Benjamin,and Jazmine turn around and groan at the same time.
    They also say “We hate our clothes”they shouted
    “Not any more with Mr. Alfonsos new line of David Reese Wear”I explained
    “Wow”Jazmine said astonished
    “Do you have to pay alot”asked Benjamin
    “Of course not only 20$ for one and 2 or more for 15$ each replied Lucy
    “Do have any examples” asked Jazmine
    “Of course”I said
    And they all bougt one the next day

  6. Really good, but could improve on the expressions.

    Naveen, I removed your last name to protect your privacy.

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