

  1. I am very glad that you put this short yet hilarious movie on our website.The reason is because since I haven’t finished my second movie yet,it’s inspired me and makes me want to make movies just like you.Thanks Mr. Alfonso!!!!

  2. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

  3. I think it was really funny, and it was a little weird from the music in the background.

    • It’s actually from a longer movie. The entire movie involved the two of us walking around the park, holding hands, swinging on swing sets. I only included the random lightsaber scene as an example. Thanks for the feedback.

  4. I think this was such a funny video. The most funny part was when he got slayed and he dissapeared.

  5. hi its jenniffer ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is that your wife she? is so kool i liked the way u did ur hair ok then i liked it good job

    • Yes, that’s my wife. Back then she was my fiancee. Thanks for the comment about my hair but back then I had much much more. : ( sniff, sniff

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! That’s funny and cute first you are in love then you start fighting.

  7. Thats one funny movie. I like the part when it’s like “Star Wars” with the light saber fight.

  8. oh my goodness mr alfonso…. that brings back so many memories…its karina fuentes…ilove how the school changed for the good and dramatically it looks like a better enviroment..i bet your students now enjoy all the movies their making…not sure if ya remember me but i remember you..2005-2006… we did a movie from the book and thats when maddie was born and when your wife was pregnat with the evie…well i went to your family website your girls are BEAUTIFUL well your whole family… just stopped by so GOD BLESS…u always were THE BEST…and kinda strange…haha just kidding…
    -karina fuentes

    • Karina, of course, I remember you! It’s been a personal goal of mine to do what I can to improve moral, the learning environment, whatever I can.

      Thanks for the compliments. I receive the “kinda strange” comment fully! I love my family and yes, I am very blessed.

      Hey, let me know how you’re doing in school and what college you’re thinking about. I keep track and in touch with my students about school beyond fifth grade. You still have a few years to go, but I encourage you to keep thinking about it. Cool?

      Hopefully we can keep in contact. Thanks for visiting our blog. God bless you and yours as well. I hope things are going well!

      Mr. Alfonso

  9. Hey Mr. Alfonso, you probably don’t remember me but I used to go to David Reese several years ago and was in Gate Program back when you taught movie-making. My brother Jesse is currently in Ms. Gaviola’s class and told me to check out your website. This video sure brings back memories… I still remember the movies we made in Gate.
    Hope you’re doing well!


    • Of course Amanda I remember you! I still show those videos as good examples of movie making. Those were fun times and you all were great!

      It’s been neat to take this to the net level teaching them the tools and letting the students have at it instead of me behind the camera and editing footage.

      How are things with you? What are your plans? College? If so, where? I’d love to find out!

      Best wishes,

      Mr. Alfonso

  10. Definetly will keep in touch. i just need a new e-mail. i always use to tell my friends and family of your fun teaching skills an they never got it..guess they had to experience the pu-pu-method in math…my attempt in the battleship factor tree you taught us. Hey at least there still in my memory. haha

    • We’re just about to get there. I still teach “Pew, pew, pew…” I am honored that you remember those lessons. Thank you Karina!

  11. WOW! Mr. Alfonso I just can’t stop watching that movie and I showed my favorite cousin Diego and he says that he will show every person he knows to check out your video and our blog.

    Best Wishes!


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