9/27 Homework

Spelling: sentences 11-15

Grammar: finish Grammar 2.4.3 (Google Classroom)

Math: Fact Fluency on Moby Max 15 minutes

Reading: Whooping Cranes in Danger (Anthology)

PE tomorrow. Wear appropriate footwear.

Minimum day movie money and form is due by next Wednesday (10/4)

9/25 Homework

Math: Moby Max: Fact Fluency 10 minutes

Spelling: sentences 1-5

Reading: Ancient Rome: Ch. 3

Parents, I’d like to reteach a bit of lesson 4-9 again tomorrow. We’ll review the lesson tomorrow.

Library is tomorrow. Bring library book tomorrow.

Week of September 25

Today’s test results are posted in Synergy, McGraw Hill, and Google Classroom.

Spelling: Three-letter blends

  1. scrubs
  2. screams
  3. scratch
  4. scrape
  5. screen
  6. spread
  7. splash
  8. spray
  9. streak
  10. strength
  11. strong
  12. squeak
  13. three
  14. throw
  15. thread
  16. wrote
  17. knife
  18. sign
  19. streamer
  20. scribble

Vocabulary: Unit2, Week 4 “Whooping Cranes in Danger”

  • caretakers
When people are caretakers , they care for a person or animal and keep it safe.
  • population
population of animals is all the animals of the same kind living in a place.
  • recognized
When you recognized someone, you remembered that person from the past.
  • relatives
When two people are relatives , they are members of the same family.
Cognate: relativo
  • resources
Resources are things that are available to be used when needed, such as water.
  • survive
When people or animals survive a dangerous event, they stay alive.
  • threatened
When something is threatened , it is in danger of being hurt.

9/19 Homework

Math: 4-6 Quick Check (Google Classroom)

4.6 Practice Buddy

Spelling: sentences 6-10

The field trip to Elk Grove High for Agriculture Day is tomorrow. The bus departs school at 9:30. We’ll return by 12:15 for lunch at Carroll.

Thanks for your support!

Mr. Stults