Week of January 2-3, 2025

Dear 3rd Grade Families,

I hope you had a relaxing break from school.

Next Monday we will begin Ch 8 in Math. Here is a link that might help you help your 3rd grader as we navigate the various lessons in the chapter. Please notice at the bottom of the page, there are helpful links for each lesson in the chapter.

Tonight, students can work on their math facts in Moby Max, or go on Khan Academy and work on their Math program. As always, they should read 20 minutes every day.


Tracking Off

Dear 3rd Grade Families,

As you know, we are tracking off today and we will return on Monday, November 4th.

Today your 3rd grader took the Ch 5 Math test if they were in school. You can see their grade in the Savvas app in their portal.

Please have your child read and write daily if possible. The break is also a great time for them to practice their math fact on Moby Max (Fact Fluency page). Just 5-10 minutes a day will get them closer to mastery and greater understanding of math concepts.

Enjoy the break and we’ll see you in November!

Mr. Stults

10/3 Homework

Math: Ch 5 Test tomorrow- reivew the Ch 5 practice test

Spelling: sentences 16-20

Vocabulary slides due tomorrow

Students asked and they may wear pajamas tomorrow if they like.

Reminder that tomorrow students will track off (1:00 pm) and return on November 4.

Report card will  go home tomorrow.

9/9 Homework

Math: PB 4-3

Spelling sentences 1-5

Two Vocabulary slides (per day) You can finish this when anytime before Friday’s due date.

Library is tomorrow


It may be a good time to look over your 3rd grader’s Synergy grades to make sure they don’t have any missing assignments. I will start working on report cards in about a week.


9/5 Homework

Math: PB 4-1 Fact Families

Social Studies: Ch 5-7 Vocabulary Quiz (finish)

Comet Code Store is open on Monday, September 9 at 9:20-9:40. Make sure your coupons are at school on Monday.

Fieldtrip update: the cost of the fieldtrip to Indian Grinding Rock is $20.50, not $17. Sorry for the inconvenience.


9/4 Homework

Math: fact fluency on Moby Max (about 10-15 min.)

Read 20 minutes

Field trip permission slips went home today for our trip to Indian Grinding Rock State Park on November 8. Let me know if you have any questions.

On Saturday, September 21 from 9am – 12 pm there is a shredding event at Carroll Elementary sponsored by our Carroll PTA. $5 per box or bag.