4/23 Homework

Spelling: sentences 6-10

Read 20 minutes

Math: the Ch 13 test is tomorrow. We’ve reviewed the last three days in class.

Tomorrow is a minimum day 8:20-1:00pm. Some students have not completed the first ELA assessment in the Smarter Balanced test. We will complete that tomorrow.

4/9 Homework

3rd Grade Parents,

Your child is bringing home a Test Packet with assessments from the past month and a half. Please review them with your child, sign and return the coversheet only by Friday if possible.

All digital assessments can be found in the student portal: Savvas (Math), McGraw-Hill (Reading) and Google Classroom (Writing).

Please let me know if you find any errors in scoring or would like to meet to discuss your child’s progress.

4/9 Homework

Math: Fact Fluency (Moby Max 10-15 min)

Spelling: sentences 6-10

Read 20 min.

3/25 Homework/Spelling list

Math: PB 12-4

Spelling: sentences 1-5

Finish A Boy Called Bat Ch 23 (Google Classroom)

Read 20-30 min.

Library is tomorrow

Spelling list (Compound Words)

  1. airplane
  2. daytime
  3. birthday
  4. daylight
  5. hairdo
  6. somebody
  7. birdhouse
  8. barefoot
  9. headlight
  10. sometime
  11. someone
  12. newspaper
  13. sidewalks
  14. basketball
  15. stagecoach
  16. placed
  17. office
  18. giant
  19. handwriting
  20. windshield


Dear 3rd Grade Families,

We finished our Ch 11 test on two-step word problems. Their tests can be viewed in the Savvas app in your child’s Google Classroom or on the EGUSD portal.

We’re starting Ch. 12 today on fractions.

This link is available so that you may better understand what and how they are learning about fractions.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Mr. Stults