Cats vs. Dogs – SECOND Body Paragraph
Students will compose their second body paragraph for which pet makes a better pet. The paragraph will include a topic sentence, several evidence and analysis sentences, and a concluding sentence.
Part of the EETT Grant is professional development. The writing component of the grant was headed up from folks from the Area 3 Writing Project (A3WP). Topics covered: Writer’s Notebook, Six Traits, Narrative and Persuasive writing.
Students will compose their second body paragraph for which pet makes a better pet. The paragraph will include a topic sentence, several evidence and analysis sentences, and a concluding sentence.
Students will compose an introductory paragraph. Their attention grabbing beginning will be an anecdote using sentence variety. The introductory paragraph will also have the thesis statement.
Students will compose their first body paragraph for which pet makes a better pet. The paragraph will include a topic sentence, several evidence and analysis sentences, and a concluding sentence. At least three forms of sentence variety should be… Continue Reading
Students will compose one paragraph with a topic sentence, several evidence and analysis sentences, and a concluding sentence about their favorite television show. Students will use at least three different types of SENTENCE VARIETY.
Students will compose one paragraph with a topic sentence, several evidence and analysis sentences, and a concluding sentence about their favorite sport or activity.
Students are challenged to write about their field trip to “The Rink” using all seven types of sentence variety, all of the five senses, and to use at least one simile.
Students are challenged to write about their off-track time using all seven types of sentence variety, all of the five senses, and to use at least one simile. Example: