

  1. Joey I liked your movie because it was very creative. This movie is really good Joey good job.

  2. I like when your title spins around so fast. You should made it a little longer. I like when you fly your kite by running.

  3. Joey I like your movie. There are a few misspelled words in the credits. The music was good.

  4. I love the pace. It was a little in the faster side. But all together it was great.

  5. I really liked your movie Joey. I suggest that you check your spelling before you say your done. Anyway, great movie Joey!

  6. Joey I think your movie can help lintel kids who needs help to fly a kite your movie at the end had a antecedent because you spelled jeremy name wrong so fix that and keep it up the good work

  7. I liked your movie Joey, I will use all of that info to fly a kite someday. I noticed that your spelling was a little off . I really liked the moral or lesson of the movie great job on your movie . I cant wait to see your next movie !

  8. Good movie Joey. I think it turned out good. I think it was clear. Other wise it was good.

  9. I liked your movie and your characters. But also you spelled director and your character name wrong just make sure that doesn’t happen again. I can’t wait to see your next movie keep up the good work.

  10. I like the way that joey was teaching that kid how to fly a kite and at the end he need to spell the words right and i like his music

  11. I love your movie. You can improve on the volume because in one clip you sounded quiet. Anyway good luck on your future movies.

  12. Joey you did a good job in your movie and by flying your kite and keep doing the same work.

  13. I liked when you got the kite to fly. I suject you to make your movie a little longer because I liked it a lot. Even if it was not longer i like it .

  14. Joey you and Jeremy did a good job acting. One thing you can improve is on writing the names correctly. Also i thought your movie was pretty smooth. Can’t wait to see your next movie.

  15. joey it was a good movie because i never flew a kite before,and your credits are misspelled.

  16. Joey your movie was great. You need to fix the credits at the end. But your movie was also good cant wait to see your next movie.

  17. I like the part that Joey run with his kite. But at the end you spell directer wrong.

  18. Joey, I really like your movie. The pacing was too fast. Overall the movie was good.

  19. I like it when you got the kite flying but you could have made the movie a little longer cause I liked it

  20. Joey I liked your movie about flying a kite.There are a few misspelled words like everyone is saying but its still great.I also think that it will help a lot of kids learn how to fly a kite.

  21. it was good but it needs more fluent speaking i liked how you used ver good detail on explaning it.

  22. I like how you said the steps but you should fix the credits other than that it was great.

  23. joey you did a good job.:) I liked when you zoomed in your face it looked like a action movie (in a deep voice) How to fly your kite 2!

  24. I like your movie. There were a few errors in the credits. Your movie was nice though.

  25. I liked the video but you should fix the credits.The video is good thought.

  26. GREAT JOB!!!! the actors spoke loudly and clearly. THis was an awesome movie.

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