How did Prince Henry’s School of Navigation…

… help sailors?

Students will blog their “Before” and “After” paragraphs. Their paragraphs should contain a topic sentence, evidence and analysis sentences and a concluding sentence.



  1. Before: Prince Henry’s school of navigation helped in many way. First of all, he taught sailors how to navigate though the seas. Explores learned


  2. Before:

         In the book social studies henry helped the sailors in someways. Prince Henry made the school learn about technolygy,navigation,and maps. It helps them by them to learn about navigation, when they learn navigation, they can have maps in the future. This is how Prince Henry help the sailors.

         Prince Henry’s school of navigation helped the sailors travel the world. One example of this is the school taught sailors how to use this kind of ship. The slimmer Caravel can carry more cargo

  3. Before:
         Prince Henry’s school helped sailors in many different ways. One way the school helped sailors were by teaching them things at the school. The sailors were taught how to sail a new ship called the Caravel. The second thing sailors learned from Prince Henry’s school was to draw new, accurate maps. The sailors learned many things in Prince Henry’s school.
         Prince Henry’s School of Navigation helped sailors travel the world. One example of this is the school taught sailors how to use a new kind of ship. The slimmer caravel can turn in any direction, it’s faster. and can hold more cargo. Another example is the place of the learning improved maps. Using journals of older explorations they used this information to create new and more precise maps. Lastly, Prince Henry’s School of Navigation made the compass and astrolabe better. He hired scientists to improve these navigational tools to help find latitude and longitude. His school aided explorers discovers unknown lands.

  4. Before:
    &nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp, In the topic Prince Henry helped the sailor’s. Prince Henry helped the sailor by teachingthem how to sail to asia. Prince Henry also helped the sailor by sail to the other ships. Henry helped them by teaching them. The sailor wanted to know how to sail so Henry taught them how to sail. The sailor went to the school

    •     In the topic Prince Henry helped the sailor’s. Prince Henry helped the sailor by teachingthem how to sail to asia. Prince Henry also helped the sailor by sail to the other ships. Henry helped them by teaching them. The sailor wanted to know how to sail so Henry taught them how to sail. The sailor went to the school so Prince Henry can teach them how to sail. The school improve maps.Using journal helps the sailor to sail to where ever they want.

      • Before:
        In the topic Prince Henry helped the sailor’s. Prince Henry helped the sailor by teachingthem how to sail to asia. Prince Henry also helped the sailor by sail to the other ships. Henry helped them by teaching them. The sailor wanted to know how to sail so Henry taught them how to sail. The sailor went to the school so Prince Henry can teach them how to sail. The school improve maps.Using journal helps the sailor to sail to where ever they want.
        After:Prince Henry school of Navigation helped sailors travel the world. One example of this is the school is the school that taught sailors how to use a new kind of ships. The slimmer caravel can turn in any direction,its faster,and can hold more cargo. Another example is this place of learning improve maps. Using journals of older explorations, they used this information to create new and more precise maps. Lastly prince Henrys school of Navigation made the campass and astrolabe better. INCOMPLETE

    •     In the topic Prince Henry helped the sailor’s. Prince Henry helped the sailor by teachingthem how to sail to asia. Prince Henry also helped the sailor by sail to the other ships. Henry helped them by teaching them. The sailor wanted to know how to sail so Henry taught them how to sail. The sailor went to the school so Prince Henry can teach them how to sail. The school improve maps.Using journal helps the sailor to sail to where ever they want.His school aid explores lands.

  5. Before:
        prince Henryofportugal helped solve some of these problems by starting a school of navigation.

  6. David    &nbspPrinceHenry school of navigation helped sailors travel the world.The school taught sailors how to use a new kind of ship.The slimmer caravel can turn in any direction,it is faster,and can hold more cargo.This place of learning improved maps.Using journels of older explorers,they used information to create

  7. Before:

    In the book social studies henry helped the sailors in someways. Prince Henry made the school learn about technolygy,navigation,and maps. It helps them by them to learn about navigation, when they learn navigation, they can have maps in the future. This is how Prince Henry help the sailors.

    Prince Henry’s school of navigation helped the sailors travel the world. One example of this is the school taught sailors how to use this kind of ship. The slimmer Caravel can carry more cargo, faster, and it can turn in any direction. This placeof learning improved maps. Using journals of older explorations, they usedthis informations to create new percise maps. Prince’s HenrySchool of navigationmade the compass and astrolab better. He hired scientistto improve these navigation tools. His school aided explorers discover unknown things.

  8. BEFOR: Prince henry’s school of navigation helped sailors travel the world. One
    exampleof this is the school tought sailors how to use a new kind of ship. The slimmer caravel can turn in any direction. It’s faster, and can hold more cargo. Another example is this place of learning improved maps. Using journals of explorations. They used this information to create a new and more precise maps.Prince henry’s school of navigation made the campass and the astrolabe better.

  9. Before
    How, did prince Henry’s school of navigation help sailors. I will tell youyou how. the first thimg is that they had tool to help them find school things.
    Prince henrry school of naiagation helped sailors traval the world.Onexpde th school slimmer cmler can turn in any derection ,its faster and it can hold more.anther example is this place of learning impord mape.using journols of older exploration.

  10. These things that I’m about to write,is how Prince Henry’s school of navigation helped other sailors.What Henry’s school’s aim was to improve ships,maps and navigational ethnology


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