

  1. The most important thing I learned about movie making was learning how to work with all my classmates.

  2. The most important thing I learned about movies is working together with my classmates.We make movies together and have to cooperate with each other to make a good project.

  3. The most improtant thing about movie making was the editing was friends.

  4. The most important thing I learned in 5th grade is friendship. I learned to make friends and to communicate with one another. If I didn’t have any friends that would not be good because I would be a lonely person.

  5. The most important thing about movie making was the editing with friends.

  6. The most important thing I learned about movie making is communucating with our partners and our production.

  7. The most important thing I learned in movie making is directing. Without learning that I wouldn’t know how to direct. I wouldn’t even be able to direct. Directing is important and fun.

  8. The most important thing I learned about movies was learning how to work together with other people.

  9. the most important thing that I learned of making movies was share with our classmates and friends .

  10. The most important I learned about movie making is how film and edit. The filming is important because if you didn’t know how to film you would never make a movie. If you didn’t know how to edit then your movie wouldn’t be nice for people to see.

  11. The most important thing I learned in 5th grade movie making was working with other people. I enjoyed the laughs from the movies I enjoyed making.Plus I liked working with Mrs. Gail.

  12. The most important thing I learned about movie making is working with others and to have fun beacuse its better to have fun and make a great movie than to hate each other and to end up with a movie that does not make sense and remember its not a competitionit its about having fun and to cooperate with each other.

  13. The most important thing I learned in movie making was acting! 😀

  14. The most important thing I learned in movie making was acting! Because it is in the story board. If you don’t act the movie will be boring.

  15. I know this is a little late, but the most important thing I learned this year was respect to adults, how to make movies, and of course…”PEW, PEW, PEW”! Since I learned respect in your class, I am a better cousin, son, nephew, And now I’m a better big brother. Well I need to give you a big thanks!

    The “CST kid”, Kyle

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