Next Idea: Pepsi’s Refresh Project

Click on the picture for a closer look or…

…visit http://www.refresheverything.com

Watch, think, present an idea when we come back in April, win $5000 or more for our school!

Remember, our vision is Dream It, Believe It, and Achieve It. Start dreaming of a way to make a difference in our community.


One Comment

  1. Mr.Alfanzo’s class I think your blog is the best. I loved the movie about secret to the star test. I also loved the movie about friendship crisis.I think there is many people that would love to be in your class. My class is trying to make movies I was thinking if you can post to Mrs.Mckilliop’s blog egusd.net/powerofone. My teacher likes all your movies that she told my class to post a blog to your class and she said,”make sure your spelling is accurate and make sure it make sense.Also she said,” Make sure it is positive. I’ll be back to give you more comments.

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