Blog: “The Best Me” Assembly


Please make comments based on what you learned from this assembly. We are going to use them for ideas for new movies when we return from being off-track.

If you’d like to write a letter to the Best Me crew, here’s their address.

The Best Me
Suite 205
1438 Webster St.
Oakland, CA 94612



  1. Today at an assembely there were people that told us about being fit and staying active. I think it was really great that people tell us why and how should we eat healthy. It was so important that people told us that other people have diabetes.

  2. They told us to eat vegetables and fruits to be healthy. Mac was the one that was playing video games, and then his limit was one hour a day. Tino and Kayla got into the soccer team. Dann’s grandmother has diabetes. Kayla learned that she could be active inside the house. Dann learned how to eat more healthier at dinner. They told us to not eat to much sweets all the time. They learned to be more active and don’t sit in front of the screen.

  3. Today at the best me assembely. These people talked about getting fit and staying heathly and how it can help you from getting diabetes.

  4. Max Learnt that you need to exercise and have 60 minutes of electronics.

    Tino learnt that he needed to drink healthy and and not have so much junk food.

    Kelli learnt that you can use your imagination to have fun indoors and out

    Neile learnt that she needed to eat healthy and as much fat food . If she can’t read the ingredients she won’t eat it.

  5. I learned that eating to much will give you diabetes.And if you have diabetes you won’t live so long.Even to play video games an hour a day and excercise.Also if you play sports eat and drink healthy. And if you can’t go out side you can still work out.

  6. We learned about being healthy at the assembly. In juice and soda there is alot of sugar. Eating too much sugar can cause diabetes. So if you don’t want to get diabetes you should get active. If you play games and watch t.v thats boring. Get up and get active. Also limit your time such as playuing a game for one hour. For the rest of the time you can exercise. You can also limit the time of watching t.v. If you can’t read the ingredient of your food the best thing to do is not to eat it. Another thing is always eat your vegies and fruits. As for a drink juice and soda has alot of sugar. If you decided to drink chocolate milk, its probaly the wrong choice. Chocolate milk is like a soda in disguise. The best thing to do is drink water.

  7. Today in a play we were learning about staying fit and eating healthy. It was sad how in the middle of the play Dani’s grandma got diabetes. They were talking alot about cutting down your food portion, eating more fruits and veggies, exercising more, reading food labels, limitting your time for the screen, and that you should have at least five fruits and vegetables a day. It was a good play that could teach kids about eating better and exercising.

  8. Today at an assembely there were people that told us about being fit and staying active. I think it was really great that people tell us why and how should we eat healthy. It was so important that people told us that other people have diabetes. It was really important because people suffer and die from diabetes because they’re overweight.

  9. I learn not to play video games a lot, eat healthy and not eat a lot of sugar.

  10. There was these 4 character who was telling a story about a girl’s grandma having dietbetes and her friends not being that active. Except, they had goals. A boy named Max had a goal to limit his game time and start to play outside more often. The other boy’s name was Tino. His goal was to stop drinking soda, but the whole story wasn’t about all that. The whole story was about staying healthy and having fun.

  11. Today our class went to an assembly called “The Best Me”. They told us that people can get diabetes if they don’t eat healthy. Another tip they told us that we should only play video games only a hour a day. We also learned active things that we can do indoors.

  12. Today at the assebly we learned about how in soda and juce has so much suger. Fruit,and vegetibals are helthy. If you have to much suger you can get di incomplete

  13. Today at the assembly I learn how to eat heathier. And how to play less video games. how much sugar the soda has. And the reason why our parents don’t let us go out.

  14. At the assembely today. The actors talking about how to get fit and stay healthy. They also talked about how serious it is if one of your family member has diabetes and to do all you can to help them.

  15. Tino,was the boy that want to play socer the first time when he had try out he did not make it becuse he had too much sugar. Max , he always like to play games and his mom and dad is not together . And he did not want to do anything becuse his dad did not live with him so he just want to play game and nothing than that. Then he had to limit it down to 1 hour a day. Danny, her gandmother had diabetes and she can die from that. Kayla , she did not know what to do while she was in the house she just want to go outsiad and play and her dad did not let her becuse it was not safe for her. But that was a good assembly about your body and you can get diebites if keep eat the same thing over and over and you now it is bad for you and your body.

  16. Today at the assembly I learned that eating healthy was a key factor to staying healthy. I liked how they used real life situations. Like when Danny’s nana had diabetas. I know someone with type 2 diabetas and she has to check her blood sugar every day.

  17. Today at an assembly, I learned that we could only play video games an hour a day and have to be active at least an hour a day. They reminded us that eating vegetables and fruits keep you healthy. Eating or drinking anything that contains a lot of sugar can make you have diabetes.

  18. Today at the assembly, there were four characters in the Best Me play. One was named Danny. Then there was Kayla, and Tino. Also there was a guy named Max. They said we should start eating healthier or we can get diabetes. Tino drank so much soda he almost didn’t get on the soccer team. In the end they took a break from junk food, video games, and soda.

  19. Max was cool playing some games and when he wanted to play video games all day dont want to help the play and when Max’s said Dannie is way prettier then her ,and Tino was so cool when he was so crazy for some soda and then some soda,water,and juice came then Tino said which one should I drink and we said water so he drinked the water .

  20. At the assembly, there’s like four people talking to us about fitness and stay healthy, and they were showing us a play. They were showing us how to stay healthy and be active, and to not eat junk food because soda and jucie has so many sugar and you could get diabetas.

  21. Max was always playing video games and didn’t whant to help them with the show.Tino was a good soccer player and when he when’t to soccer practice he drank a soda he felt good but then he crashed and was lazy.

  22. At the assembly I learned to eat more furits and veggies, exciercs, drink water, and to turn off the TV and stop playing video games. I also learned that if I don’t change my eatting haibits I’m going to die early. I also learned that juice, soda, and other junk food have sugar and other bad stuff in it.I also learned that junk food make me have less energy,but if I eat good food I’ll get more engrgy.

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