Blog: Reflection on Writing

Think about your writing in the beginning of the year. Has it improved? Write in detail HOW it’s gotten better. (a.l.6)



  1. I think that my writing has gotten better. I started to write in more detailed words. But still my writing can improve a little more.

  2. Writing, my first script I could’ve done better. I could’ve added intros, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and transotions. I could of used those things. Now that I’m actually learning them I could use it. Thats how my writing improved. And because I learned those I will use them.

  3. My writting has gotten alot better from last year. We learned more sentince forirate. I still need to write neater.

  4. My hand wrighting was not good a year ago. Then when I started to learn how to use more wrighting skills. Also writing more

    “Writing” Greg. I think you mean “writing.”

  5. My writing has gotten so much better. I use interesting intros like:”darkness” or “the pain”. Also I use adjectives and verbs. I use adjectives to express how I am feeling. We have learned more things about writing throughout the year. There is a lot more to learn but I honestly think my writing is improving. I would love to learn more so my writing can get better and better.

  6. I remember my first movie in the begging of the year.My movie was a little choppy and we kept looking at the camera. But compared to my first movie and my comercial. I’ve inproved on a lot of things like memerizing my lines ,stop looking at the camera,useing more emotion,and not to be shy to act silly when I need too. And also to be serious about my acting.I’ve also inproved on my editing.

  7. In the beginning of the year, my writing wasn’t good. Then, Mr. Alfonso taught us writing and I got a little better at it. He taught us to use ly, ing, where, ! , ? and ” “. He also taught us simile, metaphor, personifacation, and onomatopoeia. I have really improved in my writing. Now, when i write and I see it, is much better.

  8. How I gotten better is that my teacher told us about . Onomanipeo,simile,adjective,adverb,taste,smell hear ,see,feel,meterthor,interjection,verbs,and conjuctions.

  9. I remember my first movie, my first movie was kind of so-so because there was a person named Christina L. that showed part of her face. My second movie was better and more great expression. I think my second movie will turn out really great because there is music. The titles are much greater!

  10. My writing been improve because I use similes, metphors, and intros. I also use -ly, -ing, and where, I also use my 5 scenes. I use adverbs, .,!,?. I didn’t know this until I went to 5th grade. Now I’m doing better.

  11. I remember writing my first movie it was so dull and plain. Compaired to my first movie and my comercial I can see what I’ve improved on. I’ve improved on more expression more detail and not to be afraid to act goofy when I need to.

  12. In the beginning of the year I was not good with writing. It was kind of sloppy and I didn’t write so detailed. But now Mr. Alfonso has been teaching us strategies like Figurative Language,Sentence Variety,Five Senses,Intros,and the 4-6-4-6-5. Writing is not my favorite subject but once I start…I just can’t stop! I think that my writing has gotten better. I show more detail and I sometimes write neater.

  13. Yes, My writing has gotten better. I think that I should start writing with more sentence . But other than that I think my writing is better than a long time ago. My writing can improve a lot more. Other than that I think my writing is way better than before.

  14. I remember my writing from frouth grade. My writing from frouth grade writing was verryy bad. I had to try my best to write a essay, but it dosen’t really sound good.So, I tested myslef by writing right now and tested myself the next


  15. In the begining of the year I didn’t make my writing compeling. Now I am using: SIMILES,METAPHORES,ONOMATAPIEA,andPERSONIFACTION. It’s made my writing more compelling. I have made a BIG differance in my writing. I am using more descriptive words. I have made my writing more intresting because of the way I am writing now.

  16. My hand wrighting wasn`t good until i learned metaphors, the 5 sences, otmatpia and simile. Then my hand wrighting was well. Then we took notes on a graphic organizer. it helped me remember all things for writing

  17. Yes,I think I had impoved just about every thing in class .We learn about figurative of langage simile,metaphor,personification,and onomatopeia.Something like haiku(potry).And subject and preedicates.And real do think that my witing has impoved before the beginnig of the year.And it is going to keep impoved to the of the school year.

  18. I think my writing has improved because we been taking alot of notes. The notes have been helpfulto me. When we had a writing prompt I went down. I toatally forgot all about the notes we took. In class, Mr. Alfonso told uss to rewrite the prompt. Mabey, I might get a five at the end of my prompt.

  19. I think my writing has really improved after mr. Alfonso taught us how to do many things like the figurative language with: onomatopoeia, similies, metaphor, and personification. And mr. Alfonso is really smart because insted of telling us what to do everytime he showed us how to do the 4-6-4-6-5. I like that chart because it helped me and everyone else in the class with our writting. And after learning that 4-6-4-6-5 chart I think I’m going to get higger grades on writting.

  20. I remember my writing from frouth grade. My writing from frouth grade writing was verryy bad. I had to try my best to write a essay, but it dosen’t really sound good. So, I tested myslef by writing right now and tested myself, so I know how good I did. But now I’m in fifth grade, and I know what thing I need to do because Mr.Alfonso told us about similes, senses, preposition, and all kind of things. And my writing is getting better, and better. And that’s how my life goes.Also my writing grade I will say is a 3 or 4.

  21. Yes, I have improved on my writing it has more detail and adjectives. After I learned about transitions,onamanopoeia,metaphor,personification,adjectives,and similes. If I could rate my writing I would give it a four. One day we wrote about a blackout and Mr.Alfonso said it was great. I felt proud of myself because I have never written about this ever! It was a really nice story. I think the next time I’ll be great from the practicing from the writting.

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