

  1. One dark stormy day my heart was poundind ful of fear. Like if any second now I would be zapped by lightning. I was so scared I was thinking that any thing shocking would happen. Then all of a sudden’t the door flew open. Hearing screams and shouts for help Mr. Alfonso graded his flash-light and turned it on IMCOMPLETE

    • Compelling Rachel. Although it’s unfinished I like it already. The only thing I’m wondering is that it’s supposed to be set at home. Why am I there? Please consider changing to your dad. I gave my flashlight an B-. I think you mean “grabbed.”

  2. Whoosh,Tink! I was doing my homework and then the lights turned off! I felt the something cold blow on my foot. Nobody knew that it was coming in the first place. I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, I heard a squeak and then it was my dad.

    I was scared to go outside because I might bump into something. So, I put out my hands to try and feel the couch. “Bark, Bark, Bark!” I heard the dog. Nobody could see me because it was pitch black. We had nothing to do!

    Quietly, my mom told us that we had to sit on the couch and ontil the lights came back on. Everyone was bord so I said that we should play some cards game. I won every game that we had played. Dad was like a HOT stove. My mom felt the warm couch. I heard the strong wind blow. Somebody keeped walking up and down.

  3. A woman screaming,dogs howling we had chaos going on in our house. I could hear what sounded like bulldozers. But it was some thing much worse.It was a…a STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM! The worst we had in years.

    Suddenly, I could hear glass shattering. The wind was a wolf howling in pain and we were the Three Little Pigs.As the screen door was demolished lightning went off.

    Thankfuly my dad lit a fire.Happily the fire blazed like an inferno. The fire was crackling like a breaking pencil.

    It felt like a millennium had passed before the lights came back on. It was finally the time for us to be relieved. We all shouted HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Michael, watch your spacing. You need to click the spacebar once between sentences. I enjoyed the wolf and three little pigs reference. “Crackling like a breaking pencil” was inventive as well. Thank you for contributing to our blog, sir!

  4. Black.
    I felt as if he had sneaked into our house and blind folded us then took over the light. I felt like I ‘d fallen into a pitch – black pit. My heart began to race as I couldn ‘t see anything.

    Boom! The thunder exploded! My brother stared out the window blankly. As everyone panicked I asked my mom what to do. She told us to calm down, but it was too hard. My mom was trying to find the flashlight. I was in a gutter. There was only the mercy of the shining moon.

    I didn’t know what to do. I asked myself, “Since I’m oldest and my mom is busy praying what should I do?”

    All of the sudden a light bulb flickered and then all of the lights came on. Everyone smiled in relif. My brother rushed to his Xbox and I turned on the TV . I had never been happier to see light before.

    • Wow. “There was only the mercy of the shining moon” Sarina, I’m impressed! I like this. We missed you today. Hope your mother is doing well and you newborn baby sibling! : )

  5. Has a storm ever ruind your whole Saturday? it happened to my moms entire day care at our house. It was a dark and stormy night and I was just watching t.v. with my niece and then…swoooosh all the lights tuned off!

    Two minutes later the babies were yelling ton da lights on!Next my mom says “Lucy did you tun off the liights off”she said in a worried voice “no” I replied in a the same voice as she did. It was barely 2:00 in the afternoon and it’s already dark out. Second our door that is locked and with a lock and it opened so wide that the door fell and we all went to my room to keep warm

    My mom tried to look for the phone to call my dad but the only thing she found were bruises. We heard screams from all over the neighborhood and even from our dog. Just in that one second I can already feel my heart beating so fast it feels like it’s about to pop! Very soon our neighbor found his way to our house and said it might be safer at his house because his house is smaller and we know where everything is.

    Soon All Of His Windows Broke his door broke down and we all felt as if this was our last moment of life. Next thanks to that door breaking we found our way back outside and went a small pretend house that is made of metal and bricks. Outside we saw a bunch of cars all crashed and an ambulance and finally dad came.

    My dad and I went back to our house and we wanted to figure out why our power went out. my dad looked all over the neighborhood to see if something happended or it was just a couincidence. I looked in my back yard and the I figured it out I went to each house to see if everyone had the same thing that I saw at my house. I figured out it was a rats! The pet store let them escape.

  6. Blindedness

    “HEELLLP” as I heard my sister scream. All of a sudden I heard the lights went out as if they were buzzing bees. Quietly, my mom and dad calmly lit the candles. I could feel the warm fire burning the candles, when the candles were burning I could smell apples. I could see nothing but darkness as if it was the universe without any stars or planets.

    In the darkness as I was sitting down I was confused by how the wind was blowing. I couldn’t think why was the strong wind was blowing like that. I could hear my heart pounding. I could feel my knees shaking, getting scared. I was getting bored so I played with my sister.

    When we were done I was wondering how long the lights were going to be out. Then I felt that my other relatives were ok from the weather. I could hear the garbage cans being slammed to the ground. BOOM! Like a gigantic bomb.

    All the sudden I heard the rain stop as if it was a machine that started. With caution I opened the front door to see if the rain had stopped and it did! I was amazed and when I went back in it was if I was if I was entering the sun. “The lights are back on”,my sister said relieved

    • Careful. If you see nothing but darkness, what about those candles eh? I liked that you mentioned the garbage cans being slammed. Your description of what you were experiencing was vivid! : )

  7. It was a windy day when the stom started . When the storm began my mom was about to cook food but for a whlie after the light turn off then my mom said I’ll go get the candles and light them up.

    A whlie after loud noises were comeing from the air vent and got louder and louder and when the noise went away we went to sleep for 3 or 4 hours then an different noise like ca-boom then everyone started to wake up then the noise was gone so we went back to sleep.

    At last the light came on like a flash like something was about to happen to me but then everybody said in a loud voice yeah the lights came back on .

  8. It sounded like a small door slam. Boom! But it wasn’t. Bam, the power went off. Scared, me and my sisters were screaming like some babies crying. Silently, my brother turned on a lighter. I didn’t know what to do. It was a nightmare!

    Then, the slammed open! It was like a piece of wood thrown to the door. It was so cold. It was if it was snowing in my house. After a while, there started to be some lightening. I was so scared.

    Waiting, I kept on wiping my sweat. I had nothing to do. My older brother challenged me to a Mancala game. Every move I made was like a person saying “clap”. The pebbles were feeling hard and wet from my sweat on my hands. Playing Mancala almost to the end, we heard something go zzzpppt.

    The lights were back on! Our smiles were as if my cousin got married. We were so happy it was if we were bunnies with a hundred carrots. My heart kept on saying “hooray”. It was just great to have the lights back on.

  9. Whoosh,Tink! I was doing my homework and then the lights turned off! I felt the something cold blow on my foot. Nobody knew that it was coming in the first place. I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, I heard a squeak and then it was my dad.

    I was scared to go outside because I might bump into something. So, I put out my hands to try and feel the couch. “Bark, Bark, Bark!” I heard the dog. Nobody could see me because it was pitch black. We had nothing to do!

    Quietly, my mom told us that we had to sit on the couch and ontil the lights came back on. Everyone was bord so I said that we should play some cards game. I won every game that we had played. Dad was like a HOT stove. My mom felt the warm couch. I heard the strong wind blow. Somebody keeped walking up and down.

    Zzzzzzzzap! As we were waiting, I strared to fall asleep. I was very thirsty so I got the flashlight and went to the fridge. I looked out the winndow and saw that our whole neighborhood had no lights too. Without a dout, I told my brother that I know when the lights are going to turn back on. I won! The lights just came back on. Everyboby felt really, really happy! The neighbor’s dog stopped barking.

  10. Lightening.
    Lights started flickering, it was like everything is in slow motion. I felt dizzy from the way I was moving and I was about to tip over. Suddenly, the lights stopped flickering and it became pitch black. We couldn’t see anything and crashed into each other several times.

    Everyone was screaming, yelling, and shouting all over the place like there was a monster in the house. The thunder was exploding with action. It was like an angel shooting an arrow down from heaven. we saw it moving from places to places.

    “Whoah!” We all buched together and I was squished like a sandwich. I told my dad to turn on the flashlight and we were all in the kitchen squished up. I felt like I couldn’t breathe at all because we were all like a solid block.

    Then, I had a great idea. I wanted to play board games. “Thump!” we all heard it and we wonder what was that. I saw my uncle sweating and I said “Are you scared?” he said “No…” and I just started to laugh. Finally, the power came back on and we were all calm and reliefed.

    • “Squished like a sandwich.” Classic. Screaming, yelling, and shouting. Aren’t they the same thing? What was the “thump?” I liked that you added tipping over when dizzy. Good way to show and not tell.

  11. Did someone just turn off the lights? In a place like nowhere. I felt a strong wind touched me. It was like a fan blowing on me, but it wasn’t.

    “BOOM” I heard this sound before, but I don’t know what it was. So I cheched up stair.Then I heard a loud cash comeing from the hall way. As I was going upstair it was only my brothers that tripped on a leg stand of an table, but that’s wasn’t the case. So I went to the living room to look again.

    While I went to the living room, I saw what I think I saw, I saw the flashing lights that is comeing down the sky. It was just me or it was the sky so bright ,I could see. Then room just a little dark.

    Then someone touched my back. It was like


  12. Pitch black

    One dark night,there was a humungous storm that let none of us get to sleep.All of a sudden,something struck the roof…….ZZZZZZZZAP.The lights flickered and one second later they went out.I was so afraid that the lightswitches weren’t working.Then there was a scream that came from my parents room.But because of the dark blinding my sight,I was not able to help them,so I stayed where I was and listened to their screams of horror.

    I had decided to try crawling around and find the way to their room,but I ran into walls instead.Ending up back where I started,I remembered the flashlight I had hidden under my bed!The only problem was,where was my bed?Fortunetly,I had enough luck to find it and got to my parents room.Those ear-piercing screams had turned out to be my baby brother.

    Darren was easy to entertain,so I sung him a song and he was dead asleep in a matter of seconds.The rain was like a bunch of rocks pounding the roof,but he slept through it all.Lightning had leaped across nearly every rooftop.By then,we had made the disicion that we’d bring out the lantern and play Candy-Land for awhile.

    The game had just started to get fun,when something that sounded like electricity ran through the house’s walls.A surge of light came from the hallway and it was bright again.My brother had woken up by now and was staring at the roof.Then,We heard a squeal of joy come from him when he found out where he was.So in the end we had a joyful baby,an unfinished game of candy-land,and an adventurous day.

  13. Darkness

    I could feel it. Covering me like a blanket. It was the darkness. Suddenly we saw a shadow down the hall but we couldn’t see anything. The first one who screamed was Derek. It was so dark I couldn’t see anything. We had a blackout.

    But we were still wondering what that shadow was. We were really confused. And Derek was still screaming and then the babies started crying. We had no idea what was going on but we were getting pretty scared because we kept on seeing something making shadows. Something furry and small. What could it be?

    We had no idea what it was but now we had a bigger problem. It was pitch black


  14. Did your power go off in the middle of the night? One rainy and windy day, I was watching TV. Everything was ok, until “Flash” the power went out. It was dark. I couldn`t see a thing. It was like blanket covering my eyes. I could hear screaming with fear.

    “Is everyone all right?” asked Dad. We yelled” yes!”My mom and dad got candles


  15. Dark Night!

    It was like if thick blankets were on top of us, darkening our vision. It was really dark, and the only thing we could see and hear was darkness,and my baby brother crying. My heart begin to beat, because I thought something bad was going to happen to me or to my family.

    “Oh my gosh, what happen?”my mom asked. Suddenly I turn on a flashlight so we could see at least a little bit more clear. We were trying to calm my baby broter down from crying. It was like if we were blind and had a bandage in our eyes and couldn’t take it out.

    Tons of rain drops fell without stoping. It was hard to see or to do something. Being inside I could feel the rain touching me. Because it was really, really strong.

    We waited until the rain stoped and the light came back on. After the lights came


  16. On one bad raninning day the power want out why I was doing my homwork.The lightes went out and I thougt it was my litte siser playing and I told her to turn the lightes back on and then she had ran.I as my mom hay the lights keep going off then she told me to go outside and check the power box so I did and all the power was on.Then I told her that a big tall tree fall on the house. Then it did the same thing a.INCOMPLET.

  17. Why today and why now? A huge, horrifying storm blew right before my eyes. I was sick, sitting in my bed, and this unforgetable wind came rushing in. My heart started to race and I started to shake. Suddenly….” Pow!” My eyes went into darkness. Which way was I to go? Everything went out in a flash. The darkness was a nightmare.

    Right then, there was a creaking noise. I started freaking out. Who was it? But who-ever it was seemed to have a flash light. I curled up into bed waiting to see who it was. “Pppppphhheew!”It was only my dad. He came to see if I was okay while my mom stayed downstairs with my brothers and sisters. My dad brought me downstairs. We waited and waited to see what would happen next. The wind was so strong that it began to shake my house. I panicked. I was so worried that my house might fall over. I looked out the window and trees were kissing the ground.

    My family waited a few more hours. My eyes closed. All of a sudden my family started cheering like wolves.
    I opened my eyes and realized that the power had zaaapped back on. I was safe and really delighted. That was the most memorable moment of my life and I will never forget it.

    It was unbelievable. I’m just glad none of my family members got hurt. It is really, truly unforgetable how God saved me from the life-ending storm. We are very thankful because some people died and I am very sad for them but I am very appreciative because I lived. This moment will always be a part of me and from now on I will be prepared for another one. Everyday the moment captures me and brings me to the memory.

    • Excellent Jazmine. You really connected with the emotional part of me as a reader. I could connect with what you were writing. Cheering like wolves eh? You have a very clear “voice” as you write Jazmine. I’m impressed. So will others who read your work.

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