Hay Crystina. I said.
Ya. Said Crystina.
Do you want to play Jinga. I assked
Ok but how do you play. Said Crystina
Well first you stack them up. I ansered
Ok. She said
And then you keep taking one block and then you put it one the top. I said
So she said. I already know how to do that.
So I said. While your stacking the blocks on top you have to make sure that the tower dosen’t fall down.
So thats the hard part right. She said.
Right. I Said.
O this is going to be easy. Said Cristina.
Fine then if you think this is so easy then the looser has to do the Chichen Dance. I said.
Bring it on. Said Crystina.
[So the two competetive friends played.]
Ha now you have to do the Chichen Dance. I said
{Rachel, you’ll have to redo this with the correct punctuation Wednesday. – Mr. A.]
There was some great expression. But in 2 of the scene you could see me kind of holding a laugh inside.
I don’t like how I said one of my lines.